Stories by DOE Newswire Reports on Federal Newswire

Top Office of Science officials learn about PPPL’s expanded mission during Feb. 10 visit

Top Office of Science officials learn about PPPL’s expanded mission during Feb. 10 visit

Argonne training program introduces AI for science to a new crowd

Argonne training program introduces AI for science to a new crowd

Neutrons reveal key to extraordinary heat transport

Neutrons reveal key to extraordinary heat transport

New design for lithium-air battery could offer much longer driving range compared with the lithium-ion battery

New design for lithium-air battery could offer much longer driving range compared with the lithium-ion battery

Brookhaven Lab and Boys & Girls Club of Shinnecock Nation Team Up for DIY STEM Program

Brookhaven Lab and Boys & Girls Club of Shinnecock Nation Team Up for DIY STEM Program

New quantum sensing technique reveals magnetic connections

New quantum sensing technique reveals magnetic connections

Brookhaven HSRP and SPARK Program Alumni Selected in 2023 Regeneron Science Talent Search

Brookhaven HSRP and SPARK Program Alumni Selected in 2023 Regeneron Science Talent Search

Ignition Gives U.S. ‘Unique Opportunity’ to Lead World’s IFE Research

Ignition Gives U.S. ‘Unique Opportunity’ to Lead World’s IFE Research

New zirconia-based catalyst can make plastics upcycling more sustainable

New zirconia-based catalyst can make plastics upcycling more sustainable

A minute with Brian Vaughn, electrical engineer

A minute with Brian Vaughn, electrical engineer

SLAC, Stanford researchers make a new type of quantum material with a dramatic distortion pattern

SLAC, Stanford researchers make a new type of quantum material with a dramatic distortion pattern

SLAC theorist Lance Dixon receives Galileo Galilei Medal

SLAC theorist Lance Dixon receives Galileo Galilei Medal

Add-on device makes home furnaces cleaner, safer and longer-lasting

Add-on device makes home furnaces cleaner, safer and longer-lasting

Secretary Granholm, Senior Biden-Harris Administration Officials, Elected and Industry Leaders to Address Annual ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit

Secretary Granholm, Senior Biden-Harris Administration Officials, Elected and Industry Leaders to Address Annual ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit

The Loan Programs Office and Plant Vogtle Mark a New Milestone in Restarting the U.S. Nuclear Industry

The Loan Programs Office and Plant Vogtle Mark a New Milestone in Restarting the U.S. Nuclear Industry

February 2023 Monthly Application Activity Report

February 2023 Monthly Application Activity Report