Stories by Fed Newswire on Federal Newswire

The US Federal Reserve System published a one page notice on Jan. 27, according to the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

The US Federal Reserve System published a four page rule on Jan. 26, according to the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

Formations of, Acquisitions by, and Mergers of Bank Holding Companies discussed on Jan. 24 by Federal Reserve System

The US Federal Reserve System published a one page notice on Jan. 24, according to the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

Federal Reserve System discusses Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company on Jan. 24

The US Federal Reserve System published a one page notice on Jan. 24, according to the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

A Case for Cautious Optimism

News Release: Thank you, Ben, and thank you to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) for inviting me to be part of this discussion. It has been close to a year since the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) began tightening monetary policy. We began raising interest rates in March 2022 and shrinking our securities ...

The US Federal Reserve System published a one page notice on Jan. 23, according to the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

Federal Reserve System discusses Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company on Jan. 23

The US Federal Reserve System published a one page notice on Jan. 23, according to the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by Bank of Montreal and BMO Financial Corp.

News Release: The Federal Reserve Board on Tuesday announced its approval of the application by Bank of Montreal, of Montreal, Canada, and BMO Financial Corp., of Wilmington, Delaware, to acquire BancWest Holding Inc., and thereby indirectly acquire Bank of the West, both of San Francisco, California.

Remarks to Delta Sigma Theta

News Release: Happy Founders Day, Virginia Sorors!. I recently came across a picture of myself in seventh grade at the county social science fair. It appeared in the Milledgeville, Ga., Union-Recorder newspaper, which, mercifully, does not have an online photo archive. I did not know it at the time, but that social ...

Staying the Course to Bring Inflation Down

News Release: Inflation has declined in recent months, which is important for American households, businesses, and consumers. Inflation is high, and it will take time and resolve to get it back down to 2 percent. We are determined to stay the course.1

Chair Powell tested positive for COVID-19, is vaccinated, has mild symptoms, and is working remotely

News Release: Today, Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome H. Powell tested positive for COVID-19 and is experiencing mild symptoms. Chair Powell is up to date with COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. Following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance, he is working remotely while isolating at home.

Week ending Jan. 14: Federal Reserve System publishes 2 notices

There were two notices published by the Federal Reserve System in week ending Jan. 14, according to the Federal Register.

Agencies issue joint statement on crypto-asset risks to banking organizations

News Release: Federal bank regulatory agencies today issued a statement highlighting key risks for banking organizations associated with crypto-assets and the crypto-asset sector and describing the agencies' approaches to supervision in this area.

Panel on "Central Bank Independence and the Mandate—Evolving Views"

News Release: I will address three main points. First, the Federal Reserve's monetary policy independence is an important and broadly supported institutional arrangement that has served the American public well. Second, the Fed must continuously earn that independence by using our tools to achieve our assigned goals ...

Brief Remarks on the Economy and Bank Supervision

News Release: Governor Bowman presented identical remarks to the Florida Bankers Association Leadership Luncheon Events, Tampa, Florida, on Jan. 11, 2023.

Federal Reserve Board issues enforcement actions with former employee of Regional Acceptance Corporation and former employee of Central Savings Bank

News Release: The Federal Reserve Board on Thursday announced the execution of the enforcement actions listed below

Federal Reserve Board announces Reserve Bank income and expense data and transfers to the Treasury for 2022

News Release: The Federal Reserve Board on Friday announced preliminary financial information indicating that the Federal Reserve Banks had estimated net income of $58.4 billion in 2022. The 2022 audited Reserve Bank financial statements are expected to be published in coming months and may include adjustments to these preliminary unaudited results.

Federal Reserve Board releases results of survey of senior financial officers at banks about their strategies and practices for managing reserve balances

News Release: The Federal Reserve Board on Friday released results of a survey of senior financial officers at banks about their strategies and practices for managing reserve balances. The Senior Financial Officer Survey is used by the Board to obtain information about deposit pricing and behavior, bank liability ...

Minutes of the Board's discount rate meetings on November 14 through December 14, 2022

News Release: The Federal Reserve Board on Tuesday released the minutes of its interest rate meetings from November 14 through Dec. 14, 2022.

Thoughts on Inflation in a Supply-Constrained Economy

News Release: I am particularly pleased to be here today for multiple reasons. I think most of us feel some nostalgic pull to these meetings, though I do not think I want to revisit the frantic interview cycle ever again. These meetings allow us to meet and reconnect with colleagues, hear about new and valuable research, ...