Institute for Policy Studies
Recent News About Institute for Policy Studies
Organizations urge President Bukele to drop charges against water defenders
San Salvador y Washington, D.C. – El 29 de enero, una coalición de organizaciones de derechos humanos, medioambientales y de fe, junto con académicos y abogados, solicitó al presidente salvadoreño Nayib Bukele que retire los cargos contra cinco...
Global groups urge El Salvador's president to drop charges against water defenders
On January 29, a coalition of human rights, environmental, and faith-based organizations, along with academics and lawyers from 44 countries, issued a letter urging Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele to halt toxic mining projects in El Salvador.
Institute of Policy Studies finds that $1.1 trillion, was spent on military activities last year
The Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) recently reported the large amount of federal discretionary funds that have been allocated to militarism and war.
Collins: 'Private jet travel by billionaires and the ultra-wealthy imposes a tremendous cost on the rest of us'
Chuck Collins, director of the Program on Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies, has co-authored a report detailing the effects of private jet travel on the Earth and average citizens.