U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service
U.S. Government: Agencies/Departments/Divisions | Federal Agencies
Recent News About U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service
School Lunch is Nutritious and Delicious
USDA Extends Flexibility that’s Helping Manufacturers, States get Formula to WIC Families
USDA Food Assistance Programs at Work in Guam and CNMI
School Lunch is Nutritious and Delicious
Advancing Tribal Sovereignty through Self-Determination Projects for FDPIR
USDA Extends Flexibility that’s Helping Manufacturers, States get Formula to WIC Families
USDA Food Assistance Programs at Work in Guam and CNMI
USDA Announces Approval of D-SNAP for Florida Disaster Areas
Biden-Harris Administration Invests $80 Million to Improve Nutrition in School Meals Grants support equipment purchases to prepare nutritious meals for children
FNS Staff Recall Highlights from White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health
USDA Assists Farmers, Ranchers, and Communities Affected by Hurricane Fiona
Fact Sheet: FNS Advances Goals of the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health
USDA to Strengthen Integrity, Improve Customer Service through Tool to Prevent Duplicate Participation in SNAP
The White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health: What it Means to Me
FNS Awards $675,000 to New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services to Make Technology-Centered Improvements in SNAP Customer Service
FNS Awards $1,649,845 to New York City Human Resources Administration to Make Technology-Centered Improvements in SNAP Customer Service
USDA Launches $100 Million Healthy School Meals Initiative, Announces Grant Program for Rural Schools
FNS Awards Connecticut Grant to Provide Mobile Payment Options for WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
FNS Awards Rhode Island Grant to Provide Mobile Payment Options for WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
FNS Awards Grant to Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma to Provide Mobile Payment Options for WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program