News from April 2021
By DOJ Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: CHICAGO - DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day collected 829,543 pounds (419.7 tons) of unused, expired, and unwanted medications across the country. The Chicago Division collected 104,879 pounds of that grand total. Americans once again showed their dedication toward helping prevent addiction and potential overdose by removing prescription pills from their homes. Our April event included 4,425 community partners at 5,060 collection sites throughout the country.

By DOJ Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: Charleston, South Carolina --- Acting United States Attorney M. Rhett DeHart announced today the winners of the United States Attorney’s Office’s 18th Annual Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) Logo Contest, which was open to all South Carolina grade school students.

By DOL Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: Today, Republican Leader of the Education and Labor Committee Virginia Foxx (R-NC) and Rep. Mike Bost (R-IL) penned a letter to Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona regarding the Department’s refusal to release a report showing taxpayers will be on the hook for the federal government’s disastrous ...

By Homeland Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: Frankfort, Ky. - If you were affected by the severe storms, flooding, and mudslides that occurred Feb. 27 - March 14, 2021 in Kentucky you may be eligible for FEMA assistance. However, you don’t have to wait for FEMA to start cleaning up. Just be sure to take photographs or video of the damage and keep all receipts for repair work.

By DOJ Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: INDIANAPOLIS - An Indianapolis man was sentenced to 27 years for dealing methamphetamine and heroin, and an additional 20 years for money laundering. The sentences will run concurrently.

By DOJ Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: NORFOLK, Va. - A federal jury convicted two individuals today for their roles in a nationwide investment fraud scheme that resulted in over $25 million in losses to more than 300 victims, most of whom were elderly.

By DOJ Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: Jackson, Miss. - Mark Anthony Coleman, 58, a former Jackson Police Officer, was sentenced today by United States District Judge Tom S. Lee to 30 months in prison, followed by 3 years of supervised release, for destroying evidence of his involvement with a 16-year old female, announced Acting United States Attorney Darren J. LaMarca, Michelle Sutphin, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Mississippi, and Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch.
By DOJ Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: EL PASO - DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day collected 829,543 pounds (419.7 tons) of unused, expired, and unwanted medications across the country. The El Paso Field Division collected 7,903 pounds of that grand total. Americans once again showed their dedication toward helping prevent addiction and potential overdose by removing prescription pills from their homes. Our April event included 4,425 community partners at 5,060 collection sites throughout the country.
By Homeland Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: DENVER - The Federal Emergency Management Agency provided more than $8.9 million in additional Public Assistance funding for the COVID-19 response in North Dakota. The assistance was made available under a major disaster declaration issued April 1, 2020. FEMA has provided a total of $97.1 Million for the North Dakota COVID-19 response to date.

By DOJ Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: MADISON, WIS. - Timothy M. O’Shea, Acting United States Attorney for the Western District of Wisconsin, announced that Kong Vang, 31, La Crosse, Wisconsin, was sentenced yesterday by U.S. District Judge William M. Conley to 144 months in federal prison for conspiracy to distribute 50 grams or more of ...

By Interior Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: Freedom Riders National Monument has created a new Junior Ranger book to help our younger visitors engage with the Freedom Riders story. The NPS Junior Ranger program is an activity-based program that allows visitors the opportunity to join the National Park Service "family" as Junior Rangers. Participants complete a series of activities during a park visit, share their answers with a park ranger, and receive an official Junior Ranger badge and Junior Ranger certificate.
By Interior Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: TAOS, N.M. -The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Taos Field Office announces improvements to the Wild Rivers Backcountry Byway Loop. Roads are being reconditioned, paved and realigned now through October 2021. Visitors should anticipate delays, some parking closures, and changes to traffic patterns.
By DOJ Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: Acting United States Attorney Dennis Holmes announced that a Faulkton, South Dakota, man has been indicted by a federal grand jury for Conspiracy to Distribute Methamphetamine.
By State Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
Release: The United States and Japan held a bilateral Extended Deterrence Dialogue by video teleconference on April 30, 2021. The Dialogue provided an opportunity for our two governments to hold in-depth discussions on regional security, Alliance defense posture, nuclear and missile defense policy, and arms control...

By DOJ Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: DENVER - DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day collected 829,543 pounds (419.7 tons) of unused, expired, and unwanted medications across the country. Denver Field Division collected 31,823 pounds of that grand total. Americans once again showed their dedication toward helping prevent addiction and potential overdose by removing prescription pills from their homes. Our April event included 4,425 community partners at 5,060 collection sites throughout the country.
By DOJ Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: NEW ORLEANS, LA - U.S. Attorney Duane A. Evans announced that KEVIN COFFIL age 25, a resident of New Orleans, Louisiana, pled guilty on April 29, 2021 to conspiring to distribute one kilogram or more of heroin. COFFIL is facing a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years’ imprisonment, a maximum sentence of life imprisonment, a possible fine of up to $10,000,000, at least five years of supervised release upon his release from prison and a $100 mandatory special assessment fee.
By DOJ Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: Jacksonville, Florida - Chief United States District Judge Timothy J. Corrigan has sentenced Columbus Donavan Jeffrey (44, Jacksonville) to 60 years in federal prison for photographing his sexual assaults of a child and distributing those pictures to others using the internet. Jeffrey was also ordered to serve a lifetime term of supervised release, register as a sex offender, and pay $24,000 in restitution to child victims.
By DOJ Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: Sites Around Maryland Collected and Safely Disposed of Unused and Unneeded Prescription Medications, Which Often Lead to Opioid Abuse.

By DOJ Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: BUFFALO, N.Y. - U.S. Attorney James P. Kennedy, Jr. announced today that Donyell Williams, 26, and Johnny Greer, 19, both of Michigan, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge John L. Sinatra, Jr. to a charge of high speed flight from an immigration checkpoint. The charge carries carry a maximum penalty of five years in prison and $250,000.

By DOJ Newswire | Apr 30, 2021
News Release: BOSTON - A Westborough man pleaded guilty on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 in federal court in Worcester to trafficking contraband smokeless tobacco into Massachusetts.