News published on Federal Newswire in October 2022

News from October 2022

Congressional Record publishes “EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC.” in the House section on Oct. 21

“EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC.“ was published in the House section on pages H8407-H8408 on Oct. 21

Week ending Oct. 22: Environmental Protection Agency publishes 8 notices

There were eight notices published by the Environmental Protection Agency in week ending Oct. 22, according to the Federal Register.

Chicago Felon Pleads Guilty to Illegal Possession of a Firearm

Minneapolis Man Sentenced to Prison for Straw Purchasing Firearm Used in West Seventh Street Shooting

Interfaith Gun Safety Initiative Will Include Vigil, Gun Lock Distribution

ATF & Escondido PD Investigation Results in 23 Defendants, Including Multi-Convicted Felons on Firearm & Drug Charges

Eastern Washington Man Sentenced to 168 Months in Federal Prison for Fentanyl Trafficking

Two California Drug Traffickers Sentenced to Federal Prison

Nurse at St. Louis County Hospital Admits Fraudulently Obtaining Fentanyl

DEA Seattle Field Division Gears Up for National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

DEA Gears Up for National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

DEA Gears Up for National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

DEA Gears Up for National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

Merced County Doctor Indicted for Multimillion Dollar Disability Insurance Fraud Scheme, Money Laundering, and Unrelated Drug Charges

DEA, FBI, and Seattle Police Seize 2 RVs Packed with Meth and Fentanyl

U.S. Attorney Announces Coordinated Law Enforcement Actions to Combat Violent Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking

DEA Gears Up for National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

Career Offender in the U.S. Illegally Sentenced to 10 Years in Federal Prison on Drug Trafficking, Firearm, and Immigration Charges

California Woman Sentenced to More than Four Years in Prison for Trafficking Fentanyl