What did Labor Department publish on June 30?

What did Labor Department publish on June 30?

The US Labor Department published a two page notice on June 30, according to the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

The notice is focused on Maritime Advisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health.

The Department provides billions in unemployment insurance, which peaked around 2011 though spending had declined before the pandemic. Downsizing the Federal Government, a project aimed at lowering taxes and boosting federal efficiency, claimed the Department funds "ineffective and duplicative services" and overregulates the workplace.

Notices are required documents detailing rules and regulations being proposed by each federal department. This allows the public to see what issues legislators and federal departments are focusing on.

Any person or organization can comment on the proposed rules. Departments and agencies must then address “significant issues raised in comments and discuss any changes made,” the Federal Register says.

Notices published by the Labor Department on June 30

Proposed Extension of Information Collection; Program To Prevent Smoking in Hazardous Areas (Pertains to Underground Coal Mines)
Proposed Extension of Information Collection; Hazardous Conditions Complaints
Proposed Extension of Information Collection; Safety Standards for Underground Coal Mine Ventilation-Belt Entry Used as an Intake Air Course To Ventilate Working Sections and Areas Where Mechanized Mining Equipment Is Being Installed or Removed
Affirmative Decisions on Petitions for Modification Granted in Whole or in Part
Proposed Collection, Comment Request
Comment Request for Information Collection for Form ETA 9033 Attestation by Employers Using Alien Crewmembers for Longshore Activities in U.S. Ports (OMB Control Number 1205-0309) and Form ETA 9033-A, Attestation by Employers Using Alien Crewmembers for Longshore Activities in the State of Alaska (OMB Control Number 1205-0309)
Notice of Reopened Availability of Funds and Funding Opportunity Announcement for the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) National Grants for Program Year (PY) 2016
Agency Information Collection Activities; Comment Request; Unemployment Insurance Benefits Operations State Self-Assessment Report of Responses
Maritime Advisory Committee for Occupational Safety and Health
Petitions for Modification of Application of Existing Mandatory Safety Standards

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