The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.
“PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS” mentioning the Federal Reserve System was published in the House of Representatives section on pages H874-H877 on March 13, 2001.
The publication is reproduced in full below:
Under clause 2 of rule XII, public bills and resolutions of the following titles were introduced and severally referred, as follows:
By Mr. ISTOOK (for himself, Mr. Pomeroy, and Mr.
H.R. 973. A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act with respect to the operation by the National Institutes of Health of an experimental program to stimulate competitive research; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.
By Mrs. KELLY (for herself, Ms. Capito, and Mr.
H.R. 974. A bill to increase the number of interaccount transfers which may be made from business accounts at depository institutions, to authorize the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to pay interest on reserves, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Financial Services.
By Mr. WATKINS (for himself, Mr. Watts of Oklahoma, Mr.
Peterson of
Pennsylvania, Mr. Jefferson, Mr. McGovern, Mr.
LaFalce, Mr. McHugh, Mr. Hilleary, Mr. Rahall, Mr.
Sessions, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Frost, Mr. Pickering, Mr.
Rogers of Michigan, Mr. Gordon, Ms. Hart, Mr.
Blumenauer, Mr. Deal of Georgia, Mr. Towns, Mr.
Walsh, Mr. Kanjorski, Mr. Kildee, Ms. Carson of
Indiana, Mrs. Mink of Hawaii, Mr. Doyle, Mr.
Baldacci, Ms. Berkley, Mr. Jones of North Carolina,
Mrs. Thurman, Ms. Slaughter, Mr. DeFazio, Mr.
Mascara, Mr. Smith of Washington, Ms. Woolsey, Mr.
Paul, Ms. Lee, Ms. Kilpatrick, Ms. Hooley of Oregon,
Mr. Olver, and Mr. Maloney of Connecticut):
H.R. 975. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to eliminate the 15 percent reduction in payment rates under the prospective payment system for home health services under the Medicare Program and to permanently increase payments for such services that are furnished in rural areas; to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
H.R. 976. A bill to authorize appropriations for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to achieve full funding in fiscal year 2002 and fiscal year 2003, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Education and the Workforce.
H.R. 977. A bill to amend the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to provide increased authority for school personnel to discipline children with disabilities who engage in certain dangerous behavior; to the Committee on Education and the Workforce.
By Mr. MANZULLO (for himself, Mr. Camp, Mr. Price of
North Carolina, Mr. Andrews, Ms. Baldwin, Mr. Burr of
North Carolina, Ms. DeGette, Mr. Paul, Mr. Shimkus,
Mr. Udall of Colorado, and Mr. Weller):
H.R. 978. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow a credit against income tax for dry and wet cleaning equipment which uses non-hazardous primary process solvents; to the Committee on Ways and Means.
H.R. 979. A bill to authorize the President and the Governor of a State to suspend certain environmental and siting requirements applicable to fossil fuel fired electric power plants to alleviate an electric power shortage that may present a threat to public health and safety, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on Resources, and Transportation and Infrastructure, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
By Mr. WAMP (for himself, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Jenkins, Mr.
Bryant, Mr. Hilleary, Mr. Deal of Georgia, Mr.
Clement, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Tanner, and Mr. Ford):
H.R. 980. A bill to establish the Moccasin Bend National Historic Site in the State of Tennessee as a unit of the National Park System; to the Committee on Resources.
By Mr. BASS (for himself, Mr. Barton of Texas, Mr.
Bilirakis, Mr. Boehlert, Mr. Brady of Texas, Mr. Burr of North Carolina, Mr. Castle, Mr. Tom Davis of
Virginia, Mr. Diaz-Balart, Mr. Dreier, Ms. Dunn, Mr.
Ehlers, Mr. English, Mr. Gilchrest, Mr. Gilman, Mr.
Goode, Mr. Goodlatte, Mr. Goss, Mr. Green of
Wisconsin, Ms. Hart, Mr. Hastings of Washington, Mr.
Herger, Mr. Hoekstra, Mr. Houghton, Mr. Issa, Mr.
Jenkins, Mr. Jones of North Carolina, Mr. Largent,
Mr. LaTourette, Mr. Linder, Ms. McCarthy of Missouri,
Mrs. Morella, Mrs. Myrick, Mr. Ney, Mr. Norwood, Mr.
Ose, Mr. Oxley, Ms. Pryce of Ohio, Mr. Radanovich,
Mr. Regula, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Riley, Mr. Rohrabacher,
Mrs. Roukema, Mr. Royce, Mr. Ryun of Kansas, Mr.
Schaffer, Mr. Sensenbrenner, Mr. Sessions, Mr.
Shimkus, Mr. Smith of Washington, Mr. Smith of Texas,
Mr. Sununu, Mr. Tancredo, Mr. Terry, Mr. Thornberry,
Mr. Thune, Mr. Traficant, Mr. Upton, Mr. Wamp, and
Mr. Whitfield):
H.R. 981. A bill to provide a biennial budget for the United States Government; to the Committee on the Budget, and in addition to the Committees on Rules, and Government Reform, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
H.R. 982. A bill to prohibit assistance for Kosovo unless the President determines and certifies to Congress that residents or citizens of Kosovo are not providing assistance to organizations engaging in or otherwise supporting ethnically-motivated violence in southern Serbia or in Macedonia, and for other purposes; to the Committee on International Relations.
By Mrs. BONO:
H.R. 983. A bill to require the Secretary of Energy to assign the same priority to providing renewable energy production incentive payments for landfill gas facilities as the priority assigned to providing such payments for other biomass facilities; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.
By Mr. CAMP (for himself, Mr. Matsui, Mr. Foley, Mr.
Towns, Mr. Chambliss, Mr. Sam Johnson of Texas, Mr.
Manzullo, Mr. Thompson of California, Mr. McInnis,
Mr. Sessions, Ms. Dunn, Mr. Watkins, Mr. Shimkus, Mr.
Rangel, Mr. Collins, Mr. Cramer, Mr. Cannon, Mr.
Lewis of Georgia, Mrs. Thurman, Mr. Reynolds, Mr.
Akin, Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin, and Mr. Graham):
H.R. 984. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the occupational taxes relating to distilled spirits, wine, and beer; to the Committee on Ways and Means.
By Mr. CAMP:
H.R. 985. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the dollar limitation on contributions to funeral trusts; to the Committee on Ways and Means.
By Mr. CAMP:
H.R. 986. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide that long-term vehicle storage by tax-exempt organizations which conduct county and similar fairs shall not be treated as an unrelated trade or business; to the Committee on Ways and Means.
H.R. 987. A bill to transfer management of the Banks Lake Unit of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge; to the Committee on Resources.
By Mr. ENGEL (for himself, Mr. Nadler, Mrs. Maloney of
New York, Mr. Towns, Mr. Rangel, Mr. Boehlert, Mr.
Owens, Mrs. Kelly, Mr. Serrano, Mr. Meeks of New
York, Mr. Houghton, and Mr. Cummings):
H.R. 988. A bill to designate the United States courthouse located at 40 Centre Street in New York, New York, as the
``Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse''; to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.
By Mr. GREEN of Wisconsin (for himself, Mr. Greenwood,
Mrs. McCarthy of New York, Mr. Gutknecht, Mr.
McGovern, Mr. Rush, Mr. Davis of Illinois, Mrs. Jo
Ann Davis of Virginia, Mr. Payne, Mr. Horn, Mr.
Rogers of Michigan, Mr. Pascrell, Mr. Houghton, Mrs.
Myrick, Mr. Hall of Texas, and Ms. Hooley of Oregon):
H.R. 989. A bill to direct the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to carry out a 3 year pilot program to assist law enforcement officers purchasing homes in locally-designated at-risk areas; to the Committee on Financial Services.
By Mr. HALL of Ohio (for himself, Mr. Baker, Mr. Lewis of Georgia, Mr. Ramstad, Mr. Hinchey, Mr. Wolf, Mr.
Fattah, Mr. Hoeffel, Mr. Lipinski, Mrs. Emerson, Ms.
Hart, Mr. McGovern, and Mrs. Thurman):
H.R. 990. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for charitable deductions for contributions of food inventory; to the Committee on Ways and Means.
By Mr. HAYWORTH (for himself, Mr. Paul, Mr. Dreier, Mr.
Otter, Mr. Young of Alaska, Mr. Calvert, Mr. Stump,
Mr. Gibbons, Mr. Sessions, Mr. Schaffer, Mr. Cannon, and Mr. Largent):
H.R. 991. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to treat gold, silver, and platinum, in either coin or bar form, in the same manner as stocks and bonds for purposes of the maximum capital gains rate for individuals; to the Committee on Ways and Means.
By Mrs. JOHNSON of Connecticut (for herself and Mr.
H.R. 992. A bill to provide grants to local governments to assist such local governments in participating in certain decisions related to certain Indian groups and Indian tribes; to the Committee on Resources.
H.R. 993. A bill to improve the prevention and punishment of criminal smuggling, transporting, and harboring of aliens, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
By Mrs. MALONEY of New York (for herself, Mr. English,
Mr. Borski, Mr. McGovern, Mr. Pascrell, Mr. Owens,
Mr. Payne, Ms. McKinney, Mrs. Christensen, Mr.
Blumenauer, Mr. George Miller of California, Mr.
Clay, Ms. McCarthy of Missouri, Mr. Abercrombie, Mr.
Barcia, Mr. Maloney of Connecticut, Mr. Ackerman, and
Mrs. Meek of Florida):
H.R. 994. A bill to authorize the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to make grants to nonprofit community organizations for the development of open space on municipally owned vacant lots in urban areas; to the Committee on Financial Services.
H.R. 995. A bill to provide permanent appropriations to the Radiation Exposure Compensation Trust Fund to make payments under the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (42 U.S.C. 2210 note); to the Committee on Appropriations.
H.R. 996. A bill to ensure the timely payment of benefits to eligible persons under the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (42 U.S.C. 2210 note); to the Committee on Appropriations.
By Mrs. MINK of Hawaii:
H.R. 997. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to waive the part B premium penalty for individuals entitled to TRICARE health benefits as a member or former member of the uniformed services, or dependent of such a member or former member, and to amend title 10, United States Code, to waive the TRICARE requirement for enrollment in Medicare part B in the case of individuals enrolled under the Federal Employees Health Benefits program; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means, and Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
H.R. 998. A bill to reduce gun trafficking by prohibiting bulk purchases of handguns; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
H.R. 999. A bill to strengthen the standards by which the Surface Transportation Board reviews railroad mergers, and to apply the Federal antitrust laws to rail carriers and railroad transportation; to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself and Mr. Chabot):
H.R. 1000. A bill to adjust the boundary of the William Howard Taft National Historic Site in the State of Ohio, to authorize an exchange of land in connection with the historic site, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Resources.
H.R. 1001. A bill to amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make optional the requirement that a State seek adjustment or recovery from an individual's estate of any medical assistance correctly paid on behalf of the individual under the State Medicaid plan; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.
By Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN (for herself, Mr. Hansen, Mr.
Hefley, Mr. Hastings of Florida, Mr. Shaw, and Mr.
H.R. 1002. A bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to make certain adjustments to the boundaries of Biscayne National Park in the State of Florida, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Resources.
By Mr. SCHAFFER (for himself, Mr. Bishop, Mr. Blunt,
Mr. Doolittle, Mr. Chambliss, Mr. Fletcher, Mr.
Hayes, Mr. Goode, Mr. Lewis of Kentucky, Mr. McHugh,
Mr. Otter, Mr. Paul, Mr. Pickering, Mr. Ross, Mr.
Sessions, Mr. Shows, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Watkins, and
Mr. Watts of Oklahoma):
H.R. 1003. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase the maximum amount of wages that a farmer can pay for agricultural labor without being subject to the Federal unemployment tax on that labor to reflect inflation since the unemployment tax was first established, and to provide for an annual inflation adjustment in such maximum amount of wages; to the Committee on Ways and Means.
By Ms. SCHAKOWSKY (for herself and Mr. Conyers):
H.R. 1004. A bill to amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to establish a procedure under which individuals whose names do not appear on the list of registered voters in an election for Federal office at a particular polling place may cast provisional votes at the polling place, and for other purposes; to the Committee on House Administration.
By Mr. SHOWS (for himself, Mr. Blagojevich, Mr. Cramer,
Ms. Sanchez, Ms. Hart, Mr. Lucas of Kentucky, and Mr.
Smith of New Jersey):
H.R. 1005. A bill to amend the Communications Act of 1934 to require that violent video programming is limited to broadcast after the hours when children are reasonably likely to comprise a substantial portion of the audience, unless it is specifically rated on the basis of its violent content so that it is blockable by electronic means specifically on the basis of that content; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.
H.R. 1006. A bill to amend the Emergency Steel Loan Guarantee Act of 1999 to prohibit steel companies receiving loan guarantees from investing the loan proceeds in foreign steel companies and using the loan proceeds to import steel products from foreign countries that are subject to certain trade remedies; to the Committee on Financial Services.
By Mr. STUPAK (for himself, Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. Scott,
Mrs. Maloney of New York, Mrs. Roukema, Mrs. McCarthy of New York, Mrs. Christensen, Mr. Etheridge, Mr.
Frank, Mr. Keller, Mr. Greenwood, Mrs. Capps, Mr.
Pascrell, Mr. Gilman, Mr. Larson of Connecticut, Mr.
McGovern, Mr. Filner, Mr. Walsh, Ms. Rivers, Mr.
McHugh, Ms. McKinney, Ms. Kaptur, Mr. Lipinski, Mr.
Oxley, Ms. McCarthy of Missouri, Mr. Clement, Mr.
McIntyre, Mr. Souder, Mr. Ramstad, Mr. Gordon, Mr.
Smith of New Jersey, Mr. Sherman, Mr. Kucinich, Mr.
Fossella, Mr. Berman, Ms. Hooley of Oregon, Mrs.
Morella, Ms. Jackson-Lee of Texas, Ms. Sanchez, Mr.
Reyes, Mr. Holden, Mr. Rodriguez, Ms. Millender-
McDonald, Mr. Abercrombie, Mrs. Thurman, and Mr.
H.R. 1007. A bill to limit access to body armor by violent felons and to facilitate the donation of Federal surplus body armor to State and local law enforcement agencies; to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committee on Government Reform, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
By Mr. TERRY (for himself, Mr. Nethercutt, Mr. Jones of
North Carolina, Mr. Paul, Mr. Hilleary, Mr. Wamp, Mr.
Ferguson, Mr. Stenholm, Mr. Shimkus, Mr. Green of
Wisconsin, Mr. Whitfield, Mr. Herger, Mr. Ryun of
Kansas, Mr. Isakson, Mr. Sensenbrenner, Mr. Sessions,
Mr. Pombo, Mr. Shadegg, Mr. Gary Miller of
California, Mr. Bartlett of Maryland, Mr. Buyer, Mr.
Ehrlich, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Otter, Mr. Schaffer, Mr.
Riley, Mr. Ney, Mr. Blunt, and Mr. Kennedy of
H.R. 1008. A bill to prohibit the Secretary of Transportation and the Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Administration from taking action to finalize, implement, or enforce a rule related to the hours of service of drivers for motor carriers, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.
By Mr. TOOMEY (for himself, Mr. Kanjorski, Mr.
Gonzalez, Mr. Ney, Ms. Hooley of Oregon, Mrs.
Roukema, and Ms. Capito):
H.R. 1009. A bill to repeal the prohibition on the payment of interest on demand deposits; to the Committee on Financial Services.
By Mr. UDALL of New Mexico (for himself, Mrs. Kelly,
Mrs. Napolitano, and Mr. Udall of Colorado):
H.R. 1010. A bill to provide emergency relief to small businesses affected by significant increases in the prices of heating oil, natural gas, propane, and kerosene, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Small Business, and in addition to the Committee on Agriculture, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
By Mrs. WILSON (for herself, Mr. Evans, Mr. Duncan, Mr.
Rahall, and Mr. Doyle):
H.R. 1011. A bill to amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide public access to quality medical imaging procedures and radiation therapy procedures; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.
By Mr. WOLF (for himself, Mr. Tom Davis of Virginia,
Mrs. Morella, Mr. Ehlers, Mrs. Tauscher, and Mr.
Udall of Colorado):
H.R. 1012. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow a credit against income tax for expenses incurred in teleworking; to the Committee on Ways and Means.
By Mr. CUNNINGHAM (for himself, Mr. Murtha, Mr.
Kanjorski, Mr. Shimkus, Mr. Shows, Mr. Rohrabacher,
Mr. Ryun of Kansas, Mr. Burton of Indiana, Ms. Hart,
Mr. Barcia, Mr. Crowley, Mr. Dooley of California,
Mr. Thune, Mr. Bereuter, Mr. Gutknecht, Mr. Hunter,
Mr. McCrery, Mr. Boehlert, Mr. Saxton, Mr. Ramstad,
Mr. Goode, Mr. Fossella, Mr. Toomey, Mr. Bachus, Mr.
LoBiondo, Mr. Ganske, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Cramer, Mr.
Green of Texas, Mr. King, Mr. Smith of Texas, Mr.
Frelinghuysen, Mr. Hilleary, Mrs. Kelly, Mr. Gilman,
Mr. English, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Buyer, Mr. Sununu, Mr.
Camp, Mr. Sweeney, Mr. Foley, Mr. Cooksey, Mr. Deal of Georgia, Mr. Taylor of North Carolina, Mr. Rogers of Michigan, Mr. Riley, Mr. Smith of New Jersey, Mr.
Isakson, Mr. Everett, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Rahall, Mr.
Stenholm, Mr. Bilirakis, Mr. Doyle, Mr. Wicker, Mr.
Simmons, Mrs. McCarthy of New York, Mr. Stump, Mr.
Tom Davis of Virginia, Mrs. Thurman, Mr. Skelton, Mr.
Lipinski, Mr. Gary Miller of California, Mr. Taylor of Mississippi, Mr. Walden of Oregon, Mr. Wolf, Mr.
McNulty, Mr. Hutchinson, Mrs. Myrick, Mr. Crenshaw,
Mr. Bishop, Mr. Ehrlich, Mr. Schrock, Mr. Barton of
Texas, Mr. Souder, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Fletcher, Mr.
Simpson, Mr. Gillmor, Mr. Baca, Mr. Oxley, Mr.
Hulshof, Mr. Tancredo, Mrs. Jo Ann Davis of Virginia,
Mr. Hinojosa, Mr. Green of Wisconsin, Mr. Lewis of
Kentucky, Mrs. Emerson, Mr. Baker, Mr. Aderholt, Mr.
Horn, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Radanovich, Mr. Issa, Mr.
Young of Alaska, Mr. Quinn, Mr. Akin, Mr. Kerns, Mr.
Grucci, Mr. Graham, Mr. Mollohan, Mr. Hayworth, Mr.
Hefley, Mr. Brown of Ohio, Mr. Turner, Mr. Shaw, Mr.
Sam Johnson of Texas, Mr. Rogers of Kentucky, and Mr.
H.J. Res. 36. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States authorizing the Congress to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
H.J. Res. 37. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to provide for the appointment and voting, by congressional district, of electors for the election of President and Vice President, and to provide procedures for electing the President and Vice President if no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes; to the Committee on the Judiciary.
By Mr. BARRETT (for himself, Mr. Kildee, Mr. Traficant,
Mr. Fattah, Mr. Larson of Connecticut, Ms. Rivers,
Mr. Reyes, Ms. DeLauro, Mrs. Mink of Hawaii, Mrs.
Thurman, Mr. Filner, Mr. Hilliard, Mr. Waxman, Mr.
Maloney of Connecticut, Mr. LaHood, Mr. Upton, Mr.
Johnson of Illinois, Mr. Gutierrez, Mr. Coyne, Ms.
Berkley, and Mr. McDermott):
H. Con. Res. 61. Concurrent resolution expressing support for a National Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) Awareness Month; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.
By Mr. CAPUANO (for himself, Mr. Bilirakis, Mr.
Serrano, Mr. Fattah, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Davis of
Illinois, Mr. Pascrell, Mr. Abercrombie, Mr. Norwood,
Mr. Bishop, Mr. Baldacci, Mr. Hilliard, Mrs. Maloney of New York, Ms. Brown of Florida, Mr. Rahall, Mr.
Strickland, Ms. Lee, Mr. Shimkus, Ms. Rivers, Mrs.
Jones of Ohio, Mr. Thompson of California, Mr. Scott,
Mr. Dooley of California, Mr. Sessions, Mr. Brady of
Pennsylvania, Mr. LaHood, Mr. Ehrlich, Mr. Doyle, Mr.
Upton, Mrs. McCarthy of New York, Mr. Evans, Mr.
Weller, Ms. Slaughter, Mr. Meehan, Mr. Traficant, Mr.
Ford, Mr. Brown of Ohio, Mr. Hinchey, Mr. Menendez,
Mr. Towns, Mr. Smith of New Jersey, Mr. Kucinich, Mr.
Hayworth, Mr. Gonzalez, Mr. Clay, Mr. Frank, Mr. Deal of Georgia, Mr. Olver, Mr. Filner, Mr. Bonior, Mr.
Payne, Ms. Baldwin, Mrs. Emerson, Mr. Phelps, Mr.
McGovern, Mr. Berman, Mr. Peterson of Minnesota, and
Ms. Hooley of Oregon):
H. Res. 87. A resolution to express the sense of the House of Representatives that the Federal investment in programs that provide health care services to uninsured and low-income individuals in medically underserved areas be increased in order to double access to care over the next 5 years; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.