The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.
“SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS” mentioning the Federal Reserve System was published in the Extensions of Remarks section on pages E1478-E1479 on July 14, 2003.
The publication is reproduced in full below:
Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, agreed to by the Senate on February 4, 1977, calls for establishment of a system for a computerized schedule of all meetings and hearings of Senate committees, subcommittees, joint committees, and committees of conference. This title requires all such committees to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Digest--designated by the Rules Committee--of the time, place, and purpose of the meetings, when scheduled, and any cancellations or changes in the meetings as they occur.
As an additional procedure along with the computerization of this information, the Office of the Senate Daily Digest will prepare this information for printing in the Extensions of Remarks section of the Congressional Record on Monday and Wednesday of each week.
Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, July 15, 2003 may be found in the Daily Digest of today's Record.
JULY 169:30 a.m.
Commerce, Science, and Transportation
To hold hearings to examine proposed legislation to make permanent the moratorium on taxes on Internet access.
Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Oceans, Fisheries and Coast Guard Subcommittee
To hold hearings to examine the Marine Mammal Protection
SR-428A10 a.m.
Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
To hold oversight hearings to examine the semi-annual monetary policy report of the Federal Reserve System.
Indian Affairs
Business meeting, to consider pending calendar business; to be followed by joint hearings with the House
Committee on Resources to examine S. 556, to amend the
Indian Health Care Improvement Act to revise and extend that Act.
Governmental Affairs
Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia Subcommittee
To hold hearings to examine the recent General Accounting
Office report entitled: ``An Overall Strategy and
Indicators for Measuring Progress Are Needed to Better
Achieve Restoration Goals'', focusing on the ramifications of an uncoordinated Great Lakes restoration strategy, current management of various environmental programs, and possible next steps to improve the management of Great Lakes programs.
SD-34211 a.m.
Energy and Water Development Subcommittee
Business meeting to markup proposed legislation making appropriations for energy and water development programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004.
SD-1382:30 p.m.
Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights
To hold hearings to examine competition in the marketplace in relation to hospital group purchasing.
To hold closed hearings to examine certain intelligence matters.
JULY 179:30 a.m.
Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Business meeting to consider pending calendar business.
Environment and Public Works
To hold hearings to examine the importation of exotic species and the impact on public health and safety.
Foreign Relations
To hold hearings to examine benefits for U.S. victims of international terrorism.
Governmental Affairs
To resume hearings to examine certain situations where parents must relinquish custody in order to secure mental health services for their children.
Business meeting to consider pending calendar business.
SD-22610 a.m.
Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
To hold hearings to examine regulatory oversight of government sponsored enterprise accounting practices.
Energy and Natural Resources
To resume hearings to examine the improved understanding of the governance of the Department of Energy laboratories.
To hold hearings to examine nursing home quality.
JULY 189:30 a.m.
To hold hearings to examine the nominations of Steven M.
Colloton, of Iowa, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Eighth Circuit, Henry F. Floyd, to be United
States District Judge for the District of South
Carolina, H. Brent McKnight, to be United States
District Judge for the Western District of North
Carolina, R. David Proctor, to be United States
District Judge for the Northern District of Alabama, and Rene Acosta, of Virginia, to be an Assistant
Attorney General, Department of Justice.
JULY 212 p.m.
Governmental Affairs
Financial Management, the Budget, and International
Security Subcommittee
To hold hearings to examine the risks and benefits to consumers related to government sponsored enterprises.
JULY 2210 a.m.
Energy and Natural Resources
To hold hearings to examine S. 1314, to expedite procedures for hazardous fuels reduction activities on
National Forest System lands established from the public domain and other public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management, to improve the health of
National Forest System lands established from the public domain and other public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management, and H.R. 1904, to improve the capacity of the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to plan and conduct hazardous fuels reduction projects on National Forest
System lands and Bureau of Land Management lands aimed at protecting communities, watersheds, and certain other at-risk lands from catastrophic wildfire, to enhance efforts to protect watersheds and address threats to forest and rangeland health, including catastrophic wildfire, across the landscape; to examine the impacts of insects, disease, weather-related damage, and fires on public and private forest lands.
Processes for implementing forest health and hazardous fuels reduction projects on public and private lands, and processes for implementing forest health and hazardous fuels reduction projects will also be discussed.
Room to be announced
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
To hold hearings to examine proposed legislation authorizing funds for Head Start, focusing on programs to prepare children to succeed in school and in life.
To hold hearings to examine bankcruptcy and competition issues in relation to the WorldCom Case.
JULY 2310 a.m.
Indian Affairs
To hold hearings to examine S. 556, to amend the Indian
Health Care Improvement Act to revise and extend that
To hold oversight hearings to examine certain pending matters.
To resume oversight hearings on the federal sentencing guidelines of the U.S. Sentencing Commission.
JULY 242:30 p.m.
Energy and Natural Resources
National Parks Subcommittee
To hold oversight hearings to examine the competitive sourcing effort within the National Park Service.
JULY 3010 a.m.
Indian Affairs
To hold hearings to examine S. 578, to amend the Homeland
Security Act of 2002 to include Indian tribes among the entities consulted with respect to activities carried out by the Secretary of Homeland Security.
SEPTEMBER 1610 a.m.
Veterans' Affairs
To hold joint hearings with the House Committee on
Veterans' Affairs to receive the legislative presentation of The American Legion.
JULY 162:30 p.m.
Energy and Natural Resources
To hold hearings to examine the nomination of Suedeen G.
Kelly, of New Mexico, to be a Member of Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission.
10 a.m.
To hold oversight hearings on the federal sentencing guidelines of the U.S. Sentencing Comission.
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Business meeting to markup the proposed Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2003.