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U.S. Department of Labor announces grant exceeding $757,000 to assist workers in Missouri affected by airline layoffs

The following news release was published by the Employment and Training Administration on March 31, 2009. It is reproduced in full below.

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a $757,678 grant to assist approximately 160 workers affected by layoffs at American Airlines Overhaul Base Facility located in Kansas City, Mo.

"American Airlines has experienced the effects of the global and national economic downturn that has caused the elimination of routes and an overall reduction in flights," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "The services offered by this grant will help the affected workers find and obtain employment in high growth occupations within their region." The grant will be awarded to the Missouri Division of Workforce Development and administered by the Full Employment Council in Kansas City. The state of Missouri, in cooperation with American Airlines and the Transport Workers Union, will offer peer counseling, job search preparation, training for entrepreneurship, career fairs and referrals to education institutions for those seeking to transition into other careers to all affected workers. In addition, all affected workers will be provided with access to a full array of dislocated worker services including skills assessment, individual career counseling, education and occupations skills training.

American Airlines, in conjunction with the Transport Workers Union Local 53, issued a public announcement on July 18, 2008, stating that layoffs at the American Airlines Overhaul Base Facility would occur on Dec. 31, 2008.

National Emergency Grants are part of the secretary of labor's discretionary fund and are awarded based on a state's ability to meet specific guidelines. For more information, visit www.doleta.gov/NEG/.

Source: Employment and Training Administration

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