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US Department of Labor announces nearly $4 billion in 2010 Workforce Investment Act and Wagner-Peyser Act allotments

The following news release was published by the Employment and Training Administration on March 31, 2010. It is reproduced in full below.

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced 2010 allotments to states and outlying areas under the Workforce Investment Act and Wagner-Peyser Act. The nearly $4 billion in funds will be used to help Americans get back to work through high quality employment and training services, which are delivered largely through the department's national network of One-Stop Career Centers.

"These funds, and the employment and training services that they support, are a cornerstone of our nationwide effort to prepare America's workers for good jobs – the kind that spur the economy and pay family-supporting wages," said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. "As they seek out careers in promising local industries, workers need access to high quality training and employment services. I am pleased that this funding will help support those efforts." Americans can access services provided through this funding via One-Stop Career Centers. To find a local center, visit http://www.servicelocator.org or call 877-348-0502 or TTY 877-348-0501. Online resources to support job searches, career exploration and planning for education and training can be found at http://careeronestop.org.

A chart reflecting funding amounts by state and outlying area follows this news release. Questions from the public regarding these allotments and planning requirements may be directed to the appropriate regional office of the Labor Department's Employment and Training Administration. A list of contacts is available at http://www.doleta.gov/regions/regoffices/Pages/eta_default.cfm?CFID=50662241&CFTOKEN=21923219.

Guidance to states on the use of these funds and the breakdown of funding for each of the three Workforce Investment Act programs (youth, dislocated workers and adults) is available at http://wdr.doleta.gov/directives/corr_doc.cfm?DOCN=2879.

For information on the range of Department of Labor employment and training programs, visit http://www.doleta.gov.

WIA Youth, Adults and Dislocated Workers 2010 Allotments | State | Program Year 2010 | | | | | Total | $3,198,609,000 | | | | | Alabama | 40,993,302 | | Alaska | 7,573,274 | | Arizona | 53,998,278 | | Arkansas | 23,259,992 | | California | 460,965,538 | | Colorado | 35,669,985 | | Connecticut | 28,619,579 | | Delaware | 7,197,130 | | District of Columbia | 8,186,510 | | Florida | 170,376,144 | | Georgia | 95,633,314 | | Hawaii | 8,745,031 | | Idaho | 10,280,528 | | Illinois | 138,618,380 | | Indiana | 64,351,719 | | Iowa | 13,967,648 | | Kansas | 17,693,209 | | Kentucky | 47,157,685 | | Louisiana | 37,455,460 | | Maine | 11,331,198 | | Maryland | 37,546,287 | | Massachusetts | 55,874,530 | | Michigan | 164,649,137 | | Minnesota | 44,783,463 | | Mississippi | 35,124,531 | | Missouri | 56,424,174 | | Montana | 6,800,711 | | Nebraska | 7,095,273 | | Nevada | 29,454,857 | | New Hampshire | 7,600,165 | | New Jersey | 75,107,279 | | New Mexico | 12,624,901 | | New York | 168,667,384 | | North Carolina | 92,779,852 | | North Dakota | 5,108,295 | | Ohio | 127,557,378 | | Oklahoma | 20,392,719 | | Oregon | 46,724,150 | | Pennsylvania | 100,467,550 | | Puerto Rico | 78,307,297 | | Rhode Island | 14,678,834 | | South Carolina | 56,707,704 | | South Dakota | 5,418,597 | | Tennessee | 63,752,199 | | Texas | 172,582,244 | | Utah | 10,989,938 | | Vermont | 6,206,159 | | Virginia | 43,428,265 | | Washington | 58,831,565 | | West Virginia | 12,533,630 | | Wisconsin | 45,626,753 | | Wyoming | 5,204,217 | | State Total | 2,951,123,942 | | American Samoa | 455,474 | | Guam | 3,707,427 | | Northern Marianas | 1,371,935 | | Palau | 273,006 | | Virgin Islands | 2,188,681 | | Outlying Areas Total | 7,996,523 | | Native Americans | 13,861,035 | | National Reserve | 225,627,500 | Employment Service (Wagner-Peyser) 2010 Allotments | State | Program Year 2010 | | | | | Total | $703,576,000 | | | | | Alabama | 9,042,125 | | Alaska | 7,648,207 | | Arizona | 12,822,660 | | Arkansas | 5,773,513 | | California | 84,038,299 | | Colorado | 10,944,825 | | Connecticut | 7,843,690 | | Delaware | 1,965,210 | | District of Columbia | 2,479,777 | | Florida | 40,350,319 | | Georgia | 20,714,232 | | Hawaii | 2,525,177 | | Idaho | 6,372,318 | | Illinois | 29,258,315 | | Indiana | 13,903,821 | | Iowa | 6,548,144 | | Kansas | 6,048,497 | | Kentucky | 9,125,242 | | Louisiana | 9,018,836 | | Maine | 3,789,556 | | Maryland | 11,800,235 | | Massachusetts | 14,269,289 | | Michigan | 24,475,871 | | Minnesota | 12,164,816 | | Mississippi | 6,285,179 | | Missouri | 13,030,412 | | Montana | 5,207,490 | | Nebraska | 6,258,380 | | Nevada | 6,370,598 | | New Hampshire | 2,859,890 | | New Jersey | 18,931,877 | | New Mexico | 5,843,720 | | New York | 40,405,589 | | North Carolina | 20,093,605 | | North Dakota | 5,302,783 | | Ohio | 26,537,471 | | Oklahoma | 6,902,154 | | Oregon | 8,902,979 | | Pennsylvania | 26,651,245 | | Puerto Rico | 8,070,562 | | Rhode Island | 2,652,902 | | South Carolina | 9,953,286 | | South Dakota | 4,900,991 | | Tennessee | 13,154,566 | | Texas | 48,080,415 | | Utah | 7,468,473 | | Vermont | 2,295,903 | | Virginia | 15,795,653 | | Washington | 14,688,343 | | West Virginia | 5,609,667 | | Wisconsin | 12,881,393 | | Wyoming | 3,802,426 | | State Total | 701,860,926 | | Guam | 329,219 | | Virgin Islands | 1,385,855 | | Outlying Areas Total | 1,715,074 |

Source: Employment and Training Administration

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