On June 27, Acting Secretary Kevin K. McAleenan released the following statement on U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) leadership changes: "Mr. Mark Morgan, who is serving as the Acting Director of ICE, will take the helm of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) as the Chief Operating Officer and Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Commissioner following John P. Sanders’s decision to resign the position this week. Mr. Morgan became the Acting Director in May of 2019 and quickly worked to advance the ICE mission of safeguarding the homeland through criminal and civil enforcement. Mr. Morgan returns to CBP where he previously served as the Chief of U.S. Border Patrol. I am confident he will bring the same commitment to the agency as it continues to navigate the current humanitarian and operational crisis.
"Assuming the role of Acting Director of ICE is Matthew T. Albence, who has been performing the duties of the agency’s Deputy Director since August 2018. Mr. Albence brings years of experience, as he’s held a number of key positions within the ICE domain. In 2017, Mr. Albence served as the agency's Executive Associate Director (EAD) for Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) and was also the Assistant Director for the ERO Enforcement Division. A 25-year law enforcement professional, Mr. Albence will lead the way for ICE as the nation’s vital immigration enforcement branch." Secretary of Homeland Security