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Department of Commerce announces new initiatives to prep US for climate-ready economy

The Department of Commerce outlined recently a series of new initiatives that will be implemented to prepare the United States as a climate-ready nation.  

In a release, the Department of Commerce shared its intent to leverage its tools in a collaboration with six other agencies to pioneer new clean energy projects to create additional economic opportunities in the US's current economy.

“Under President Biden’s leadership, we will continue to coordinate with our federal and business partners in supporting clean energy and creating good-paying jobs along the way," officials said.

One of the new initiatives is the Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) Phase 1 of the Build Back Better Regional Challenge, which uses American Rescue Plan funds to support regional industry clusters aimed at encouraging equitable economic growth and workforce development. The finalists, 14 regional coalitions focused on clean energy and other climate-related industries, will receive a combined $7 million in planning grants while competing to win awards of $25 million to $100 million for implementation.

The new efforts from the Department of Commerce follow another collaboration between NOAA and the Interior Department's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), who announced an interagency agreement to advance offshore wind energy while continuing to protect biodiversity and promote cooperative ocean use, according to the press release. 

The Department of Commerce aims to continue coordinating with federal and business partners to support clean energy and create good-paying jobs along the way.

See the full set of announcements from the White House in this Fact Sheet.

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