Washington, DC - Today, Chair of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Peter DeFazio (D-OR) announced the organizational meeting and first committee hearing of the 117th Congress titled, “Protecting Transportation Workers and Passengers from COVID: Gaps in Safety, Lessons Learned, and Next Steps."
In announcing this hearing, Chair DeFazio said: “As our Nation mourns the loss of more than 430,000 Americans to COVID-19, transportation workers around the country continue to show up for work to drive buses and trains, ensure the safety of passengers on airplanes, move freight by truck, ship, rail and air, and repair roads and bridges-all to keep our communities and economy moving. It is against this backdrop that my Committee is holding this important hearing to examine ongoing gaps in protecting transportation workers and passengers from COVID-19, and to examine how the Federal government can help protect the safety of transportation workers and the traveling public alike during this ongoing national public health crisis."
Members will appear by videoconference or in person in 2167 Rayburn House Office Building.
Additional details, including witness lists, can be found here once available. The hearing will be livestreamed through the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure’s YouTube page.
The Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure will hold its:
Full Committee Organizational Meeting
Followed Immediately by a Full Committee Hearing on:
“Protecting Transportation Workers and Passengers from COVID:
Gaps in Safety, Lessons Learned, and Next Steps"
Thursday February 4, 2021
11:00 a.m. EST
2167 Rayburn House Office Building
and virtually
Source: House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure