Baltimore, Maryland - Assistant U.S. Attorneys Michael C. Hanlon and William D. Moomau, and Law Enforcement Coordinator Steven J. Hess of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the District of Maryland, were three of 160 recipients recognized by Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA) Director Monty Wilkinson at the 32nd annual Director’s Awards Ceremony today in Washington D.C.
The District of Maryland was one of 33 districts represented at the ceremony which was held in the Great Hall at the Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building.
Hanlon, Moomau and Hess were recognized for superior performance in prevention and reentry activities for their Project Safe Neighborhoods program which includes a personalized deterrence message to repeat offenders, while offering them assistance and community reintegration services. Hanlon, Moomau and Hess organize and conduct meetings for ex-offenders, known as call-ins, in Baltimore, Prince George’s County, and other areas throughout the state, in cooperation with federal agencies, local police, prosecutors, state parole and probation officers, community groups and non-governmental organizations. The awardees research the participants’ criminal histories to develop individual risk assessments, which are shared with the participants during the meeting, while also making the participants aware of services that are available to assist them. Since 2009, Hanlon, Moomau and Hess have conducted approximately 46 call-ins across the state, reaching an estimated 700 violent repeat offenders.
"The call-in programs are an effective way to communicate a deterrent message directly to the persons most likely to reoffend," said U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein. “We warn them about the consequences of getting caught with a gun or drugs, and we offer opportunities for them to pursue legitimate employment."
In her prepared remarks, Deputy Attorney General Yates said, “The achievements being recognized today reflect the breadth of the department’s responsibilities, and some of our most significant challenges. From dismantling dangerous gangs, drug cartels and human trafficking operations to tackling political corruption, white collar crimes, and international terrorism, these awardees have taken on our toughest cases. And the citizens of our country are safer because of their work."
“We honor the truly talented and dedicated legal and administrative personnel in the 94 U.S. Attorneys’ offices and our law enforcement partners who everyday touch lives in our communities, protect the American people, and work to ensure the fair and impartial administration of justice," said Director Wilkinson.
EOUSA provides oversight, general executive assistance, and direction to the 94 United States Attorneys’ offices around the country. For more information on EOUSA and its mission, visit
Source: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the United States Attorneys