Neal Opening Statement At Hearing On Nowhere To Live: Profits, Disinvestment, And The American Housing Crisis

Neal Opening Statement At Hearing On Nowhere To Live: Profits, Disinvestment, And The American Housing Crisis

Today, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard E. Neal (D-MA) applauded the launch of the United States-Kenya Strategic Trade and Investment Partnership:

“Today’s announcement that the United States will be furthering our partnership with a key trading partner, Kenya, is a welcome advancement in our trade relationship, and I thank USTR Ambassador Tai for her leadership in launching this initiative.

“Kenya is a recognized leader across the continent and an important partner of the United States. This initiative will lay the groundwork for a comprehensive free trade agreement that includes market access, builds off AGOA, and complements both regional and continental integration. For decades, AGOA has been the bedrock of our Africa trade policy. However, unilateral preferences alone can only take a country so far in its economic development. Kenya has shown a willingness to deepen its economic ties with the United States, and we should embrace it.

“The Ways and Means Committee recently sent a bipartisan delegation to Kenya, the very first committee delegation of the 117th Congress, to better understand ways to strengthen our ties with Kenya and to show our commitment to prioritizing U.S-Africa trade. When I had the privilege of hosting the President of Kenya a few years back, this is the type of collaboration we discussed, and I look forward to continue working with the Kenyan government and the Biden Administration to promote inclusive economic growth and development that reflects our shared democratic values.”  

Original source can be found here.

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