EPA taking steps for long-term public safety at Universal Oil Products site in East Rutherford

Universaloilreusebusinesses 800
The Universal Oil Products site in East Rutherford, N.J., is home to new businesses. | epa.gov

EPA taking steps for long-term public safety at Universal Oil Products site in East Rutherford


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced in a news release it has determined that no additional cleanup is needed to take care of groundwater at the Universal Oil Products Superfund location in East Rutherford, N.J.

Sampling data indicated that there are no likely issues with the surface water at the site, and the EPA also suggested that initial cleanup could be revised, with required notices being including in property records; a recent EPA news release said.

Lisa F. Garcia, EPA regional administrator, noted in the release that the safeguards put in place to make sure the site remains safe are effective. 

“Today's proposed action ensures that long-term controls are in place to inform and safeguard public health both now and long into the future,” she said. 

Garcia noted that initial cleanup efforts including groundwater and soil proved successful, and the agency is moving forward with other parts of the project. The cleanup effort also included excavation and cleaning of contaminated soil, capping of the impacted land and continued monitoring to ensure the work is effective.

The EPA cleaning plan, which dates back to 1993, was selected in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the release said.


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