The U.S. Department of Agriculture has issued the following press release:
WASHINGTON, July 28, 2022 – "President Biden and Congress have taken an important, historic step towards easing the burden of inflation on the American public and meeting the moment on climate. If passed, the Inflation Reduction Act will have a meaningful impact on the rural and agriculture communities we serve at The Department of Agriculture.
“Agriculture has long been at the forefront of our fight against climate change. From climate-smart agriculture, to supporting healthy forests and conservation, to tax credits, to biofuels, infrastructure and beyond, this agreement provides USDA with significant additional resources to continue to lead the charge.
“Beyond addressing climate, this bill provides us with an opportunity to make prescription drugs cheaper by allowing Medicare to negotiate lower prices, it will improve our energy security and it will create thousands of new jobs.
“It is critical that the House and Senate act quickly on this important piece of legislation so that we can get to work."
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.