Special Advisor on International Disability Rights Minkara’s Travel to Germany, Thailand, and Malaysia 

Special Advisor on International Disability Rights Minkara’s Travel to Germany, Thailand, and Malaysia 

Special Advisor on International Disability Rights Sara Minkara will travel to Berlin, Germany August 31 to attend the G7 Global Inclusion Summit September 1-2.  The summit, hosted by Germany’s Federal Government Commissioner for Matters relating to Persons with Disabilities, will cover the topics of health, artificial intelligence and digitalization, and disability and climate action.  As the U.S. representative at the summit, Special Advisor Minkara will deliver statements on these topics and take part in meetings on disability-inclusive democracy.  Special Advisor Minkara will then travel to Thailand September 4-10 to attend the APEC Women and the Economy Forum in Bangkok and engage disabled persons organizations and provincial government on disability rights issues in Chiang Mai.  Special Advisor Minkara will then travel to Malaysia September 11-17 to meet with civil society, government, and international organization representatives for discussions on addressing challenges facing persons with disabilities.

In each country Special Advisor Minkara will underscore the importance of respect for the rights of persons with disabilities and the value they bring to all sectors of society when fully included.

Follow Special Advisor Minkara on the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor’s Facebook and Twitter @StateDRL and Instagram @usa_humanrights.

For media inquiries, please contact DRL-Press@state.gov.

Original source can be found here.

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