Building a Better Campground

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Building a Better Campground

The following press release was published by the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service on June 1, 2016. It is reproduced in full below.

The Lava Flow Campground will be closed for renovation beginning July 5 and will remain closed for several months. During that time the park and all other facilities will be open but we encourage visitors to make other plans for overnight accommodations. Inquire at the visitor center for a free handout listing other Please pardon our dust during construction and we hope that you will return to enjoy an even better camping experience.

The original campground was designed and constructed more than 50 years ago. The original sites were small, road access tight and only one site was fully accessible. Back in the day, most campers were driving cars and pickups and setting up tents for camps. These days many campers are driving larger rigs that require a bit more room to navigate. While the needs of our campers have changed over the years, the campground layout and design has remained essentially the same. The campground is currently maintained in good condition for 1950's style camping;however, it needs improvements to update to modern standards.

This project will reconstruct and widen the campground loop roads, develop several new accessible campsites and modify at least 10 sites to accommodate camp trailers and motor homes with pull-behind passenger vehicles. Work will also include paving vehicle parking areas to help mitigate the current resource damage incurred as vehicles drive off the pavement and crush the natural volcanic cinder surface. Leveling the campsites, trash and recycling collection areas and construction of paved accessible walkways throughout most of the campground area are also planned as part of this project. Although the campground will be improved in many ways, special efforts will be taken to retain the unique character of the campground by protecting the lava flow features that cradle individual campsites.

Source: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service

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