Cedar Central Prescribed Burn Scheduled in Cedar Grove

Cedar Central Prescribed Burn Scheduled in Cedar Grove

The following press release was published by the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service on June 3, 2019. It is reproduced in full below.

KINGS CANYON NATIONAL PARK, Calif. June 3, 2019 - Starting on Monday, June 10, fire staff from Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks are planning to conduct the first prescribed burn of calendar year 2019 in the Cedar Grove area of Kings Canyon National Park.

The Cedar Central Prescribed Burn is located east of Moraine Campground, north of Highway 180, and south and west of the Kings River. Ignitions on the 218-acre Cedar Central Prescribed Burn are expected to take three days.

During the ignition period, firefighters will be working along Highway 180. Visitors are asked to drive slowly, use caution at night, and follow directions from firefighters and rangers. Additionally, visitors should expect to see smoldering logs and wispy smoke as fuels in the area continue to burn down after ignitions are over.

Historic fire return interval in this area averages every three to ten years. The purpose of this prescribed burn is to reduce hazardous fuel loading and maintain the natural fire cycle in Cedar Grove. This specific unit last had a prescribed burn in 2010.

“Cedar Grove is a highly-visited and remote area of Kings Canyon National Park," said Andrew Cremers, Cedar Central Prescribed Burn Boss Trainee. “By having contemporary fire history, the area becomes more sustainable ecologically, safer for the public and firefighters during wildfires, and is a much more cost-effective approach to fire management."

Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks work closely with the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District to coordinate and regulate smoke contributions to the airshed. For more information about air quality in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks visit go.nps.gov/sekiair. For regional information about air quality, visit www.valleyair.org.

For updates about the Cedar Central Prescribed Burn, visit https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/6353/.


About Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks’ Fire Management Program

For over fifty years, our mission has been to use the full range of options and strategies available to manage fire in the parks. This includes protecting park resources, employees, and the public from unwanted fire; building and maintaining fire resilient ecosystems; reducing the threat to local communities from wildfires emanating from the parks or adjacent lands; and recruiting, training, and retaining a professional fire management workforce.

Tags: fire adapted communities fire prescribed burn prescribed fire cedar grove kings canyon national park fuels management

Source: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service

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