Wind Cave rangers investigate resource thefts

The following press release was published by the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service on June 27, 2019. It is reproduced in full below.

WIND CAVE NATIONAL PARK, S.D. - Law enforcement rangers at Wind Cave National Park are asking help from the public in identifying several suspects connected with the recent thefts of elk antlers and a bison skull from the park. These individuals and their vehicles were captured on camera removing these items.

“Collecting and removing antlers and skulls and other natural or cultural features from a national park is prohibited by law," said Park Superintendent Vidal Dávila. “Antlers provide an important sources of calcium for many small mammals in the park. It is important to leave these items where you find them so other visitors can enjoy coming across them."

Anyone with information concerning these thefts are encouraged to call or text the National Park Service Investigative Services Branch Tip Line at 888-653-0009.

Persons convicted of removing these items could face up to 12 months in imprisonment and or a $5,ooo fine.

Tags: wind cave national park elk antlers poaching elk law enforcement

Source: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service

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