BOULDER CITY, Nevada - The following Lake Mead National Recreation Area events are happening July 13 -27.
Ranger Program: Full Moon Hike, July 13
Join rangers for a night hike from 8 - 10 p.m. July 13 to Majestic Canyon. Enjoy a moonlit night while learning about nocturnal animals of the Mojave Desert. This is a moderate 3-mile round-trip hike. For more information and to make a reservation, call 702-293-8990.
Saints to Sinners Relay Race, July 26 - 27
Over 700 cyclists will be participating in the Saints to Sinners Relay from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas July 26 - 27. Riders will enter the park headed south on Northshore Road and exit at Lake Mead Parkway. Visitors to Lake Mead may experience delays. The relay course in Lake Mead National Recreation Area is an open road. Please use caution when driving alongside cyclists. Share the road, and do not pass in no passing zones. Cyclists are reminded that they must bike in single file on the roadways. Cycling abreast is not permitted with Lake Mead National Recreation Area. For more information about this permitted event, visit https://www.saintstosinners.com/.
Ranger Program: Fishing Fun at the Lake, July 27
Join Nevada Department of Wildlife at the Hemenway Fishing Pier at Boulder Beach from 6 - 8 a.m. and try to catch a striped bass or catfish. NDOW will have limited bait, fishing gear to check-out and fishing tips. Bring your own gear if you have it. 12 and older will need a Nevada fishing license. Junior license available for ages 12-17. Water shoes, hats and sunglasses are recommended. Please RSVP online at https://register-ed.com/programs/nevada/210-angler-education. For more information or directions, email aczarnecki@ndow.org or call 702-486-5127, ext. 3503.
Ranger Chat: Fishing Tips, July 27
Do you want to fish at Lake Mead, but don’t know where to start? Join a Nevada Department of Wildlife educator at the Lake Mead Visitor Center at 10 a.m. and noon. Come learn about fishing gear, bait and places to fish on the lake. You can even learn to make a lure. For more information, call 702-486-5127, ext. 3503.
Ranger Program: Wetlands Star Party, July 27
Join rangers for a star party and hike at the Wetlands Trail from 8 - 10 p.m. July 27 At 8 p.m., rangers will lead a hiking program from the trailhead toward the Las Vegas Wash. At 8:45 p.m., rangers will lead telescope viewing of Saturn, Jupiter and other deep space objects. For more information and to make a reservation, call 702-293-8990.
Source: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service