On Saturday, Feb. 13, at 2 pm, a park ranger will conduct a 30- minute virtual children’s program exploring the importance of flags during the Civil War. Regimental flags, known as the “colors," were essential during battle, visually directing soldiers on the battlefield. Colors were meaningful to soldiers as they represented who they were and where they came from. Because of the flag’s practical purpose and emotional significance, it was a high honor to be chosen to carry the flag into battle as the “color bearer."
This is the first of four Junior Ranger Series programs this year. Children who participate in three of these programs will earn a special Junior Ranger award. The program will be conducted on the park’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com/chickamauganps) and the park’s YouTube page (www.youtube.com/chchnps). Additionally, the presentation will be followed by simple activity instructions, guiding viewers at home how to construct their own personal flag. In order for us to document your participation, you can tag or private message the park via Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, email a photo to e-mail us, or stop by Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center or Lookout Mountain Battlefield Visitor Center between 11 am and 3 pm, and share activity with a ranger.
Tags: flags chickamauga battlefield lookout mountain battlefield chickamauga and chattanooga national military park
Source: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service