Graves: Commerce 'excited to share the vision' of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partners

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Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves said the Biden administration has made incredible strides in infrastructure investments. | Joe Andrucyk/Maryland Flickr

Graves: Commerce 'excited to share the vision' of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partners


Deputy Secretary Don Graves shared that the Department of Commerce wants to keep the dialogue and partnerships going with participants at the Faith-Based National Partnership Summit.

The Commerce Department’s goal is to reach every corner of America and develop an ecosystem of lasting relationships, according to an Oct. 20 news release.

“We’re excited to share the mission and vision of the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships,” Don Graves said in the release. “You’ll hear directly from our bureaus about their work, including programs like funding, grants, training opportunities, access to data and innovation and technical assistance that may be available to you.”

He said in the past two years, once-in-a-generation investments have been made by the Biden administration to rebuild infrastructure, support the domestic semiconductor industry and combat climate change, the release reported.

Graves related the story of his four-time great grandparents who built a successful horse and buggy taxi business on land where the Commerce Department sits today, the release said. Another successful relative was their son, who owned a premier hotel a few blocks away and also became one of the nation’s first Black patent holders.

“Their success as minority entrepreneurs was crucial for our family’s well-being, and contributed to this country’s success story,” he said, according to the release.


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