Explanation of Position on a Second Committee Resolution on the Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations

The United States thanks the co-facilitators for their efforts and persistence in guiding this resolution over the last several weeks. We are pleased to join consensus in support of global ambition and efforts to fight climate change.

Regretfully, the United States must dissociate from Operative Paragraph 13. We regret that this paragraph continues to promote the domestic political priorities of that Member State rather than including consensus language from the 2030 Agenda that reflects our shared position on sustainable development. 

We expect that future iterations of this resolution will advance the interests of all Member States and eschew narrow political messaging that undermines consensus, the work of this committee, and our ability to work together in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

We also reiterate the position of the United States, delivered in our general statement, with regard to this resolution’s references to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the Sendai Framework, and the transfer of technology.

We look forward to continued work with all member states on the critical issue of climate change.

Thank you.

Original source can be found here.

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