Explanation of Position on a Second Committee Resolution on the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries

The United States appreciates the facilitator’s successful shepherding of this resolution. We are pleased to join consensus.

The United States attaches exceptional importance to our relationships with and the needs of our LDC partners and friends, and we are committed to working together to address our shared objectives and concerns and advance the Sustainable Development Goals. Today’s multiple and interrelated global crises are having a profound impact on LDCs and our collective ability to deliver the kind of progress we would like on the path to 2030.

We take this opportunity to clarify our position on several items related to this resolution.

The United States notes that the term “adequate” in OP29 has no agreed-upon international definition. In the absence of any common understanding of what constitutes adequate, we should use more inclusive terms that better reflect finance sourced from both the public and private sector.

We also underscore our position that trade language, negotiated or adopted by the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council or under their auspices, has no relevance for U.S. trade policy, for our trade obligations or commitments, or for the agenda at the World Trade Organization, including discussions or negotiations in that forum. While the UN and WTO share common interests, they have different roles, rules, and memberships.

Finally, we refer you to our General Statement, delivered on November 21, which addresses our position regarding the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including references to specific targets in OP25, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the New Urban Agenda, illicit financial flows, concessional finance, and characterizations of trade and technology transfer.

Thank you.

Original source can be found here.

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