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Assistant Administrator for Water Radhika Fox commented on new guidelines for waterways. | The Value of Water/Facebook

Fox: 'Effluent Guidelines Program Plan represents a critical next step to tackle pollutants'


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published Effluent Guidelines Program Plan 15, which describes how the EPA will safeguard U.S. waterways by adhering to both scientific principles and the Clean Water Act when developing technology-based pollution limits and researching industry-based wastewater discharges.

The plan's main objective is to evaluate the extent and nature of both nutrient and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), according to a Jan. 20 news release. Plan 15 furthers the EPA's commitment to limiting PFAS emissions from industry-based sources through a multifaceted Effluent Limitations Guidelines program, as outlined in the PFAS Strategic Roadmap.

“For 50 years, EPA has implemented the Clean Water Act to protect our nation’s waters that are essential to healthy communities. This Effluent Guidelines Program Plan represents a critical next step to tackle pollutants like PFAS and nutrients at the source before they can harm our health and the environment,” Assistant Administrator for Water Radhika Fox said in the release. “With this action, EPA continues to demonstrate our commitment to using the best available data and treatment technologies to reduce harmful industrial pollutants.”

The EPA also announced several new and expanded studies in the release, including the expansion of an ongoing study of PFAS discharges from textile manufacturers; the launch of a study of publicly-owned treatment works influents to characterize the PFAS concentrations from industrial dischargers to publicly owned treatment works; to inform the implementation of pretreatment programs to address them; and the launch of a study on concentrated animal feeding operations to make an informed and reasonable decision regarding whether or not to undergo rulemaking for revisions.


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