19 press releases published in January by Federal Reserve System

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19 press releases published in January by Federal Reserve System


There were 19 press releases published by the Federal Reserve System in January.

The most recent press release, "Federal Reserve Board issues policy statement to promote a level playing field for all banks with a federal supervisor, regardless of deposit insurance status," was submitted on Jan. 27.

The Federal Reserve System published 16 releases the month before, marking an 18.8 percent increase for the current month.

The Federal Reserve is the US's central bank, expanding many times during great financial uncertainty and panic. It has faced numerous criticisms since its creation in 1913, such as making the Great Depression worse and for lacking transparency and audits.

There are 12 Reserve Banks operating within its own area of the US. Each Reserve Bank gathers data and other information about the businesses and the needs of local communities in its region.

Data collected on Jan. 27 from the Federal Reserve System.

Press releases by the Federal Reserve System in January
TitlePublication Date
Federal Reserve Board issues policy statement to promote a level playing field for all banks with a federal supervisor, regardless of deposit insurance status01/27/2023
Federal Reserve Board announces denial of application by Custodia Bank, Inc. to become a member of the Federal Reserve System01/27/2023
Federal Reserve Board announces it has fined Popular Bank $2.3 million for processing six Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans despite having detected that the loan applications contained significant indications of potential fraud01/24/2023
Remarks to Delta Sigma Theta01/21/2023
A Case for Cautious Optimism01/20/2023
Staying the Course to Bring Inflation Down01/19/2023
Chair Powell tested positive for COVID-19, is vaccinated, has mild symptoms, and is working remotely01/18/2023
Federal Reserve Board provides additional details on how its pilot climate scenario analysis exercise will be conducted and the information on risk management practices that will be gathered over the course of the exercise01/17/2023
Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by Bank of Montreal and BMO Financial Corp.01/17/2023
Federal Reserve Board announces Reserve Bank income and expense data and transfers to the Treasury for 202201/13/2023
Federal Reserve Board releases results of survey of senior financial officers at banks about their strategies and practices for managing reserve balances01/13/2023
Minutes of the Board's discount rate meetings on November 14 through December 14, 202201/10/2023
Panel on "Central Bank Independence and the Mandate—Evolving Views"01/10/2023
Brief Remarks on the Economy and Bank Supervision01/10/2023
Federal Reserve Board announces the designation of the Chairs and Deputy Chairs of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks for 202301/10/2023
Thoughts on Inflation in a Supply-Constrained Economy01/06/2023
Federal Reserve Board issues enforcement actions with former employee of Regional Acceptance Corporation and former employee of Central Savings Bank01/05/2023
Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee, December 13-14, 202201/04/2023
Agencies issue joint statement on crypto-asset risks to banking organizations01/03/2023


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