Bureau of Reclamation | Bureau of Reclamation

Reclamation is seeking comments on updated rules regarding public access to and conduct on Reclamation lands

The Bureau of Reclamation is seeking public comment on updates to regulations regarding public access to and conduct on all Reclamation projects, waters and real property. Reclamation is updating the existing definitions for aircraft usage and the possession of firearms, updating regulations on camping, swimming; and winter recreation for the wide range of circumstances found across Reclamation, and clarifying the permitting of memorials and reburials on Reclamation lands.

The proposed changes were published in today's Federal Register for a 60-day public review. Comments are due to Reclamation on April 17, 2023.

The updated regulations will replace the current rule, Public Conduct on Bureau of Reclamation Facilities, Lands, and Waterbodies (43 CFR PART 423) that was published in 2008.

To submit a comment, please follow the instructions identified in the Federal Register Notice.

Original source can be found here

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