The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service in Washington (NRCS-WA) announced the application batching period opened today for the Inflation Reduction Act - Environmental Quality Incentives Program (IRA-EQIP) for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23). All eligible applications received by March 31, 2023 will be batched and then ranked for consideration of FY23 funding.
The IRA funding for NRCS-WA includes an additional $2.2 million for IRA-EQIP. IRA funding levels are proposed to dramatically increase in Fiscal Year 2024.
IRA-EQIP is a voluntary, technical, and financial assistance program designed to help farmers, ranchers, forestland owners, and Tribes with the application of conservation measures that focus on carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas emissions, reduced energy, and soil health. The program focuses strongly on conservation planning, conservation implementation, and solving natural resource concerns related to climate change. Conservation practices are limited to the those in the list at the bottom of this release.
If you already applied for EQIP Classic within the last 12 months and hadn’t been selected for a contract to solve your resource concerns, your application will automatically be added to IRA-EQIP. If you haven’t applied for EQIP Classic or IRA-EQIP, applications are accepted on a year-round basis.
Each applicant must establish themselves as a USDA customer and obtain all Farm Service Agency (FSA) eligibility requirements by May 1, 2023. Please note, Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) determination takes an average three weeks to be processed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Submitting your AGI form to FSA on the last day of the application period will result in your AGI eligibility not being met by the batching date for Fiscal Year 2023. IRA payments count toward EQIP program payment limitations as applicable.
“Interested participants are encouraged to apply for 2023 funding,” said Keith Griswold, Assistant State Conservationist for Programs. “If you miss the batch date, don’t worry. IRA-EQIP funds will be available for the next three years. Please, submit your application as soon as possible.”
For more information on the Inflation Reduction Act - Environmental Quality Incentives Program Classic in Washington, click here.To learn how to get started with NRCS, click here, or visit your local USDA service center.
Here are the lists of applicable IRA-EQIP conservation practices:
Soil Health
- Conservation Cover
- Conservation Crop Rotation
- No-Till, Residue and Tillage Management
- Cover Crop
- Reduced-Till, Residue and Tillage Management
- Field Border
- Filter Strips
- Grassed Waterways
- Mulching
- Stripcropping
- Vegetative Barriers
- Herbaceous Wind Barrier
- Nutrient Management
- Anaerobic Digester
- Waste Separation Facility
- Pasture and Hayland Planting
- Prescribed Grazing
- Range Planting
- Alley Cropping
- Critical Area Planting
- Forest Farming
- Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment and Renovation
- Silvopasture
- Riparian Herbaceous Cover
- Riparian Forest Buffer
- Wildlife Habitat Planting
- Hedgerow Planting
- Tree/Shrub Establishment
- Upland Wildlife Habitat Management
- Forest Stand Improvement
- Combustion System Improvement
- Energy Efficient Agricultural Operation
- Energy Efficient Building Envelope
- Energy Efficient Lighting System