Michael McCaul | House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican

McCaul Concerned Assad Exploiting Tragic Earthquakes, Calls for Action to Prevent Normalization with Assad

House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) issued the below statement following the bipartisan passage of H. Res. 132, Responding to the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria on February 6, 2023. The resolution is led by House Foreign Affairs Committee Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia Subcommittee Chairman Joe Wilson (R-SC), and Chairman McCaul served as an original cosponsor.

“I am pleased the House overwhelmingly passed H. Res 132, standing with the people of Türkiye and Syria after this month’s devastating earthquakes. Importantly, this resolution urges the administration to remain committed to protecting the Syrian people, including by implementing the Caesar Act. I am deeply concerned that many countries have made diplomatic overtures to the Assad regime. Assad is a war criminal – any normalization with him is a moral abomination and a strategic error. The U.S. must narrow the sanctions exemptions for earthquake relief to apply only to lifesaving humanitarian aid. Additionally, enforcing the Caesar Act must include disallowing any energy deal for Lebanon that benefits the Assad regime.”

Original source can be found here.

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