Michael McCaul | House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican

McCaul Commends Passage of House Resolution Countering PRC Global Influence

Today, H.R. 1107, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Is Not a Developing Country Act, led by the Chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Indo-Pacific Young Kim (R-CA), passed out of committee. Watch the remarks delivered by Chairman McCaul during today’s committee markup here.

“I am proud that our committee’s bipartisan legislation passed out of committee today at the steadfast leadership of Subcommittee Chairwoman Kim,” said the chairman. “Make no mistake – China is not a developing country, despite the People’s Republic of China (PRC) claims. This resolution strongly reaffirms America’s commitment to countering the PRC’s destabilizing actions and political interferences on the world stage. I strongly urge the international community to terminate the PRC’s ‘developing country’ label and work with partners to do the same.”

“We cannot let the People’s Republic of China exploit countries in need and take advantage of international treaties and organizations,”  said Rep. Young Kim. “The PRC is Not a Developing Country Act will ensure that the Chinese government is not receiving favorable treatment and influence at the expense of truly developing nations. I will keep working to ensure that the PRC is held accountable, and the United States and our values lead the way in supporting developing countries around the world.”

Original source can be found here.

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