Durbin Statement on Confirmation of 100th Judge During the Biden Administration

U.S Senate Committee on Judiciary | U.S Senate Committee on Judiciary

Durbin Statement on Confirmation of 100th Judge During the Biden Administration

U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, today released the following statement regarding the confirmation of the 100th lifetime judicial appointment during the Biden Administration, including one to the Supreme Court, 30 to the circuit courts, and 69 to the district courts:

“With the confirmation of Gina Méndez-Miró to the District of Puerto Rico, the Senate has now confirmed 100 judges during the Biden Administration.  This exceeds the pace of confirmations in the Trump and Obama Administrations.  Equally as important as the numbers, we are seeing diverse nominees confirmed—in both their professional and demographic backgrounds.

“Our effort to bring balance to the courts has been one of this Senate’s truly great successes.  And we are already hitting the ground running in the 118th Congress with 36 Article III judges pending on the Executive Calendar.  We will continue to build on our success and help ensure the confirmation of highly qualified, demographically and professionally diverse judges.”

Of the 30 circuit court judges confirmed: 23 are women, including 18 women of color.

Of the 69 district court judges confirmed: 52 are women, including 30 women of color, and 14 are men of color.

Original source can be found here

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