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Cathy McMorris Rodgers - the Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee | Official U.S. House headshot

Chair Rodgers Remarks on the Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act


House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivered a speech on the House Floor in support of her bill, the Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act. The bill aims to strengthen the energy and national security of the United States by prohibiting imports of enriched uranium produced by Russia.

In her remarks, Chair Rodgers emphasized the importance of American leadership in nuclear energy and technology for the country's economic and national security. She highlighted the urgent security threat posed by America's reliance on Russia's supply of nuclear fuels, particularly in light of the war in Ukraine. Chair Rodgers pointed out that Russia has exploited policies that have allowed them to flood the U.S. market with cheaper fuel, accounting for more than 20 percent of nuclear fuels for American reactors. This reliance on Russian fuel not only weakens America's nuclear fuel infrastructure but also contributes to funding Putin's war efforts in Ukraine.

Drawing attention to Russia's previous weaponization of Europe's reliance on Russian natural gas, Chair Rodgers expressed concerns about the potential for Russia to do the same with the U.S.'s nuclear fuel supply. She also mentioned how Rosatom, Russia's state-owned nuclear energy corporation, has supported China's nuclear energy ambitions. Given these risks, Chair Rodgers stressed the need to phase out Russian-sourced fuels and restore American nuclear leadership and fuel infrastructure.

H.R. 1042, the Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act, introduced by Chair Rodgers, seeks to address these concerns. The bill proposes a ban on fuel imports from Russia and provides waivers to cover any supply gaps until 2028 when no more Russian fuel will be allowed to be imported into the U.S. This approach both protects short-term industry needs and provides long-term certainty necessary for the development of American and European nuclear capacity.

Chair Rodgers highlighted the bipartisan support that H.R. 1042 has received from the Energy and Commerce Committee, as well as the backing of the nuclear industry, nuclear fuels industry, policy advocates, and the Biden Administration. She pointed out that utility providers in Europe are already transitioning away from Russian fuels and announcing new capacity and investments in plant projects. Moreover, important fuel processes are returning online in the United States, such as the uranium conversion facility in Metropolis, Illinois. However, these developments require assurances that cheap Russian fuel will not undercut their business.

Chair Rodgers underscored the significance of American leadership in nuclear energy and technology for economic, energy, and national security. Nuclear energy currently accounts for nearly 20 percent of electricity generation in the U.S. and provides reliable, zero-carbon, baseload energy resources. To encourage investment and secure a durable domestic supply of fuel, Chair Rodgers urged her colleagues to support the Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act.

The Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act is a crucial step in safeguarding America's energy and national security by reducing reliance on Russian nuclear fuels. By phasing out Russian-sourced fuels and promoting American nuclear leadership, the United States can strengthen its nuclear fuel infrastructure and protect against potential vulnerabilities. Chair Rodgers' bill has garnered support from various stakeholders, highlighting the importance of addressing this urgent security threat.

To find out more, go to this link: https://energycommerce.house.gov/posts/chair-rodgers-remarks-on-the-prohibiting-russian-uranium-imports-act


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