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Cathy McMorris Rodgers - the Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee | Official U.S. House headshot

House Energy and Commerce Committee Discusses American AI Leadership and Innovation


House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) emphasized the importance of maintaining American leadership in artificial intelligence (AI) during today's Full Committee hearing. In her opening remarks, she stated, "To win the future, America—not China—must remain the global leader in artificial intelligence."

Chair Rodgers highlighted the unique position of the United States in fostering responsible AI usage to improve living standards, protect data privacy, and create more opportunities for American citizens. She noted, "There is no better place in the world than here to ensure this technology is used responsibly."

The committee has been actively promoting AI innovation across various sectors such as supply chains, energy, healthcare, and emerging technologies. Chair Rodgers acknowledged the significant impact AI will have on the economy and the role of the federal government in engaging with stakeholders and overseeing industries. She emphasized the need to avoid one-size-fits-all regulations that may hinder innovation.

To ensure American leadership in AI, Chair Rodgers emphasized the importance of leveraging sector-specific expertise within federal agencies. She highlighted the potential benefits of AI in healthcare, energy delivery, broadband services, and cybersecurity. Chair Rodgers stated, "Federal agencies must understand and be equipped to address the unique benefits and risks associated with these new technologies."

Chair Rodgers also addressed the global demand for American leadership in AI. She expressed concerns about China's abuse of emerging technologies for mass surveillance and Europe's over-regulation, which stifles innovation. Chair Rodgers emphasized the need to leverage AI while upholding values such as human rights, individual liberty, the free market, and limited government.

One key action Chair Rodgers proposed is the establishment of a national data privacy standard. She stressed the importance of transparency and giving individuals control over the collection and use of their personal information. Additionally, Chair Rodgers highlighted the need to strengthen data security protections, particularly regarding sensitive information like biometric data.

The committee also discussed the Biden administration's AI Executive Order, which provides guidelines for the development and use of AI. Chair Rodgers expressed concerns about aspects of the order that may lead to overregulation similar to the European Union. She emphasized the importance of avoiding regulations that hinder American AI advancements and limit global competitiveness.

In conclusion, Chair Rodgers called for collaboration between the administration and Congress to address the risks and fully leverage the benefits of AI. She expressed optimism about the promise of AI and the committee's role in supporting AI innovation in both the public and private sectors. Chair Rodgers emphasized the need to strike the right balance with AI, allowing businesses to remain agile while ensuring responsible use of the technology.

For more information, contact:

Main: (202) 225-3641

Press: (202) 226-4972

Click this link to access more information: https://energycommerce.house.gov/posts/chair-rodgers-opening-remarks-at-full-committee-hearing-on-ai


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