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Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary | https://www.dhs.gov/leadership

Over 20 Experts Join New DHS Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has established the Artificial Intelligence Safety and Security Board, aimed at advising on the responsible development and deployment of AI technology in critical infrastructure. The Board consists of 22 representatives from various sectors, including software and hardware companies, critical infrastructure operators, public officials, civil rights advocates, and academia.

Secretary Mayorkas, who chairs the Board, highlighted the importance of mitigating risks associated with AI while harnessing its potential. He expressed gratitude for the expertise brought by the members, emphasizing the need to safeguard the nation's critical infrastructure. The Board's primary focus is to provide actionable recommendations for the safe adoption of AI in essential services and create a forum for sharing information on AI security risks.

One of the inaugural members, Shantanu Narayen, Chair & CEO of Adobe, stated, "This Board holds enormous potential to advance AI technology, establishing guidelines that will help AI enhance and secure our nation’s critical infrastructure while mitigating any risks it could pose."

Dr. Lisa Su, Chair and CEO of Advanced Micro Devices, stressed the importance of collaborative efforts across sectors to ensure the responsible deployment of AI for the benefit of society. She expressed her honor in working with esteemed colleagues on this critical issue.

Adam Selipsky, CEO of Amazon Web Services, highlighted the commitment to fostering the safe and responsible development of AI technology. He expressed appreciation for the opportunity to contribute to the Board's mission and collaborate with various stakeholders in advancing AI security.

Dario Amodei, CEO and Co-Founder of Anthropic, emphasized the importance of responsible deployment of AI to protect critical infrastructure and enhance national security. He underscored the significance of testing the safety of AI systems to mitigate potential risks.

The Board's formation aligns with DHS's broader efforts to leverage AI for homeland security missions while upholding privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties. The establishment of the Board follows President Biden's Executive Order on the development and use of AI to ensure safety, security, and trustworthiness in AI technologies.

The DHS continues to recruit experts in AI and machine learning technologies to enhance various strategic areas of homeland security, including cybersecurity, critical infrastructure protection, and combating illicit activities. The Department's commitment to advancing AI technologies underscores its dedication to staying ahead of emerging threats and protecting the nation's critical infrastructure.

For more information on how DHS utilizes AI technologies to safeguard the homeland, visit their Artificial Intelligence webpage at https://www.dhs.gov/ai.