Rich Nolan, the President and CEO of the National Mining Association (NMA), has expressed disagreement with the recent ruling by the Biden administration’s Public Lands Rule for the Bureau of Land Management. This rule aims to put conservation on an equal footing with other uses for public lands. Nolan voiced his dissent in a press release issued on April 22.
"This rule flies in the face of the government's legal obligation to manage public lands for multiple uses – both protecting the environment and managing federal lands in ways that recognize the need for domestic sources of minerals," said Nolan, President & CEO. "By putting its thumb on the scales to strongly favor conservation over other uses, this rule will obstruct responsible domestic mining projects and compound permitting challenges, further deepening our already grave foreign mineral import reliance."
According to the Bureau of Land Management, this rule is in alignment with Biden’s America the Beautiful, also known as the 30x30 initiative. It underscores the importance of maintaining land health across various Bureau programs, introduces restoration and mitigation leases, and provides clear procedures for designating and safeguarding Areas of Critical Environmental Concern. Furthermore, it acknowledges the challenges posed by climate change. The Public Lands Rule was announced on April 18.
The Public Lands Rule has faced opposition from notable figures. Kathleen Sgamma, President of Western Energy Alliance, stated in a press release that this ruling violated several public land laws such as the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, the Taylor Grazing Act, and the Mineral Leasing Act. Moreover, Mark Compton, Executive Director of American Exploration & Mining Association said that this rule "significantly changes the way BLM manages the 245 million acres of public land it oversees, to the detriment of America’s mineral and energy independence goals and resource dependent rural communities that produce the fiber, food, minerals, and energy America requires from its public lands."
As per information available on National Mining Association's website, before assuming his current role as president and CEO of NMA, Nolan had been associated with NMA for 13 years serving as Senior Vice President of Government and Political Affairs. In his current capacity as president and CEO, he spearheads association's advocacy initiatives while engaging with Congress, regulatory bodies, and White House. He also outlines strategic goals for media outreach along with grassroots engagement and political participation.