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Bruce Westerman - Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources | Official website

House Committee advances nine bills addressing mineral access and environmental conservation

The House Committee on Natural Resources held a full committee markup today and favorably reported nine bills. Committee Chairman Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) commented on the session, stating: "From modernizing the critical mineral list to bipartisan support for a clean and healthy Long Island Sound, House Committee on Natural Resources members are advancing responsible solutions to problems facing Americans. The nine bills we passed today are a product of diligent work from my colleagues, and I look forward to moving these bills further through the legislative process."

Among the bills is H.R. 1437, the Black Vulture Relief Act of 2023, introduced by U.S. Rep. John Rose (R-Tenn.), which aims to provide ranchers and cattlemen with more options to address black vulture predation.

H.R. 5441, the Long Island Sound Restoration and Stewardship Reauthorization Act of 2023, introduced by U.S. Rep. Nick LaLota (R-N.Y.), seeks to reauthorize funding programs for the Long Island Sound through Fiscal Year 2028 at current authorization levels.

H.R. 6395, the Recognizing the Importance of Critical Minerals in Healthcare Act of 2023, introduced by U.S. Rep. John Curtis (R-Utah), proposes amendments to include consultations with the Secretary of Health and Human Services regarding critical minerals designations.

Another bill sponsored by Rep. Curtis is H.R. 7872, the Colorado River Salinity Control Fix Act, which addresses an imbalance in funding for salinity control projects in the Lower Basin Fund.

H.R. 8446, the Critical Mineral Consistency Act of 2024, introduced by U.S. Rep. Juan Ciscomani (R-Ariz.), aims to harmonize definitions between critical materials and minerals as compiled by both the Department of Energy (DOE) and United States Geological Survey (USGS).

The Phosphate and Potash Protection Act of 2024 (H.R. 8450), introduced by U.S. Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.), directs a reevaluation of potash and phosphate for designation as critical minerals.

H.R. 1647 proposes redesignating Salem Maritime National Historic Site as Salem Maritime National Historic Park while authorizing a boundary survey; it was introduced by U.S. Rep Seth Moulton (D-Mass.).

U.S Representative Darren Soto’s (D-Fla.) bill H.R. 3119 aims to create a manatee stamp sold by USPS to raise conservation funds for this species.

Lastly, H.R. 7776, known as the Help Hoover Dam Act and introduced by U.S Representative Susie Lee (D-Nev.), authorizes $45 million from pre-paid ratepayer funding for Hoover Dam's operation, maintenance, and improvement efforts.