Trustworthy & Responsible AI Network expands into Europe

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Trustworthy & Responsible AI Network expands into Europe


AMSTERDAM — June 17, 2024 — On Monday at HLTH Europe, the Trustworthy & Responsible AI Network (TRAIN), a consortium of healthcare leaders, announced its expansion to Europe. The objective is to help organizations in the region operationalize responsible AI through technology-based guardrails. European TRAIN includes Erasmus MC (the Netherlands), HUS Helsinki University Hospital (Finland), Sahlgrenska University Hospital (Sweden), Skåne University Hospital (Sweden), Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele (Italy), and University Medical Center Utrecht (the Netherlands). Microsoft is the technology enabling partner. Foundation 29, a nonprofit organization focused on data-driven healthcare initiatives, has also joined European TRAIN. The network remains open to other interested healthcare organizations in Europe.

Emerging AI technologies hold significant promise for revolutionizing the healthcare sector by enhancing patient care outcomes, streamlining processes, and reducing costs. However, robust development and evaluation standards are crucial to ensure responsible and effective AI applications. TRAIN aims to improve the quality, safety, and trustworthiness of AI tools implemented in healthcare.

TRAIN’s initial formation was announced in March 2024 with leading U.S. healthcare organizations as part of the network. The consortium’s objectives include:

- Providing technology and tools that enable trustworthy and responsible AI principles at scale.

- Collaborating with other TRAIN members and key stakeholders to benefit all organizations.

- Sharing best practices related to the use of AI in healthcare settings.

- Enabling registration of AI used for clinical care or operations through a secure online portal.

- Providing tools for measuring outcomes associated with AI implementation.

- Developing a federated AI outcomes registry for sharing real-world outcomes among member organizations.

For more information on European TRAIN, details will be shared at HLTH Europe on Tuesday, June 18 from 12:30 to 12:40 p.m. CEST at The Forum stage (H90).

TRAIN member quotes:

“Transforming healthcare using AI must be seen as a global challenge that requires worldwide cross-border collaborations," said Dr. Michel van Genderen of Erasmus Medical Center.

Sarah Harmon from Foundation 29 emphasized their commitment to ensuring that "the use of AI respects patient privacy and security."

Magnus Kjellberg from Sahlgrenska University Hospital highlighted the importance of sharing knowledge across Europe for "successful and sustainable implementation" of trustworthy AI.

Professor Stefan Jovings from Skane University Hospital described TRAIN as "a role model for joint efforts between the technology industry and healthcare."

Carlo Tacchetti from UniSR noted that "TRAIN’s focus on responsible AI principles... builds trust [and] protects patient data."