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Consumer views in Britain may guide US views on vaping products


A recent consumer survey in Britain sheds light on the evolving attitudes and behaviors associated with vaping products. The survey reinforces the vaping industry’s view that its products are increasingly useful to help smokers reduce or eliminate their smoking habits.

According to the survey, nearly half (48%) of adults have tried vaping as a method to quit smoking, compared to 28% who used nicotine patches and 25% who used nicotine gum.

When asked about government actions to ban or restrict vape products, 58% of current smokers and vapers indicated they would likely continue purchasing the products illegally, or they would switch back to tobacco or increase their smoking. Among cigarette smokers, 40% who have used vaping devices said they would be discouraged from switching to vaping products if they were made illegal.

The survey found that 45% of adult vapers prefer fruit or sweet flavors, with 59% using these flavors at least once a week. Notably for programs intended to reduce cigarette smoking, 61% of vapers believe that having access to a range of flavors helps prevent them from returning to smoking tobacco.

The survey was conducted in May 2024, and was commissioned by HG Innovation Ltd, which is a member of the Independent British Vape Trade Association (IBVTA). The group said it is seeking to understand the significance of vaping in quitting smoking and the potential impact of possible new government regulations in the UK.

The US-based Vapor Technology Association says polling it conducted at the end of 2023 shows support among Americans for vaping products increases when the government provides accurate information about its products. According to a statement by the VTA, its polling shows "that when exposed to the overwhelming and indisputable science and data, American consumers also broadly support adult access to flavored e-cigarettes.”

The association says the FDA should "take the lead of our Western allies and support flavored e-cigarettes as a critical smoking cessation tool.”


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