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Rep. Jim Jordan, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee | https://judiciary.house.gov/the-committee/the-chairman

House Judiciary Committee: Biden border policy 'incentivized criminals' at southwest border

The House Judiciary Committee stated that the Biden administration’s "lax" border policies have "incentivized criminals" to enter the United States via the southern border. This statement was made in a press release on June 17, following the revelation that the murderer of Kayla Hamilton was an MS-13-affiliated illegal alien.

"As the Committee and Subcommittee's oversight has shown, the lax policies of President Biden and Secretary Becerra have incentivized criminals, such as the MS-13-affiliated illegal alien who murdered Kayla Hamilton, to come to the southwest border, knowing they very likely will be released into the interior of the country," said Judiciary Committee. "The Biden Administration has failed to secure our borders and ensure no other Americans are similarly victimized."

Along with the press release, the Committee released a report entitled, "New Information and Testimony From Biden Administration Officials Reveal Disregard for Potential Gang Affiliation of UACs." The report indicates that unaccompanied alien children (UACs) are minimally investigated and placed in homes which are also minimally investigated and unmonitored.

According to a report by the Congressional Research Service, between February 2021 and June 2023, the number of UACs encountered at the border exceeded 8,500 monthly.

The House Judiciary Committee report detailed that Kayla Hamilton's murder was committed by a 17-year-old UAC who had been arrested for suspected membership in MS-13 before entering the United States, a fact unknown at the time of the murder.

The Committee stated it will continue to perform "rigorous, fact-based oversight" on the Administration’s border policy. "The failure of the HHS and the Biden Administration to recognize vulnerabilities in its open-borders policies—and to take appropriate actions to protect the safety and security of the American people—continue to weaken public safety and national security," said Jordan.

The House Judiciary Committee was established as a standing committee for legislation regarding judicial proceedings. Rep. Jim Jordan serves as Chairman.