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Julienne Joseph Chief of Staff | Official Website

HUD announces $469 million grant program for home health hazard reduction

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has announced the Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program’s Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), making over $469 million in grants available to state and local governments. The initiative aims to address health and safety hazards in older housing, preserve affordable housing, and improve the health of children and families.

“Affordable, resilient, and quality housing is a priority of this Department, and these grants affirm HUD’s commitment to providing safe and healthy homes,” said HUD Acting Secretary Adrianne Todman. “By addressing and eliminating lead hazards in our nation’s homes, we are not only protecting the well-being of our children but also investing in the future prosperity of our families. Together, we can create environments where families thrive, free from the dangers of lead exposure.”

The grants will target privately-owned older homes built before 1978 that house low-income families under HUD’s Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program. Additionally, over $44 million in Healthy Homes Supplemental funding will support efforts to control other housing-related health and safety hazards alongside lead hazard control work.

This funding supports HUD's strategic objective to strengthen environmental justice by reducing exposure to health risks for low-income households and disadvantaged communities. Further details can be found in the Fiscal Year 2022-2026 HUD Strategic Plan on their website.

State and local governments have until August 19, 2024, to apply for this NOFO through Grants.gov. HUD encourages eligible applicants to seek these resources aimed at transforming communities by improving older housing.