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Omer Kanat, Executive Director of the UHRP | UHRP website

Uyghur Human Rights Project announces leadership change amid sexual harassment investigation


The Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) has announced the election of former Vice Chair, Dr. Justinian Rudelson Ben-Adam, as the new Board Chair. The board has accepted the resignation of Nury Turkel, the previous Chair.

In a statement, UHRP reiterated its zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment and commitment to high ethical standards. "UHRP is committed to ensuring a welcoming environment for women and all activists in the movement for Uyghur human rights," the organization stated.

The organization acknowledged the gravity of recent allegations brought to its attention. Upon receiving these allegations, UHRP initiated a thorough investigation by hiring a reputable and experienced law firm.

UHRP has pledged to undertake an additional independent investigation into sexual harassment allegations. This process aims to allow concerns to be raised while protecting the anonymity of complainants and witnesses.

With assistance from partners, UHRP is actively seeking guidance to review and improve its existing ethics and complaints policies. The goal is to develop better processes for individuals to safely raise concerns, ensure complaints are addressed promptly, and establish accountability.

"UHRP will be taking several additional concrete steps going forward to address gender-based violence and harassment in the workplace," the statement continued. The organization emphasized its dedication to promoting a safe working environment for everyone involved.

"We know as an organization that we can do better," UHRP acknowledged. They expressed gratitude towards their partners and organizations that have voiced their concerns, affirming that sexual harassment or intimidation cannot be tolerated.

Further updates on UHRP's actions will be provided in their June 27, 2024 statement titled "Updates on UHRP Ethics Investigation, Policies and Commitments."