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Patrick Gaspard President and Chief Executive Officer at Center for American Progress | Official website

Cait Smith emphasizes family-doctor decision-making in transgender youth medical care


The Biden-Harris administration has taken a position opposing best practice gender-affirming surgeries for transgender youth, according to a report by the 19th. These surgeries, which are very rare and typically available only for older teenagers, can sometimes be part of lifesaving medical care for transgender individuals.

In response to this stance, Cait Smith, Director of LGBTQI+ Policy, issued a statement emphasizing the importance of keeping decisions about transgender medical care between families and their doctors. Smith stated: “Decisions about care for young transgender people should be made between families and their doctors—not by the government or politicians. Transgender medical care for youth is supported by every major medical association in the United States. It is lifesaving, medically necessary care. Transgender people, like everyone else, deserve access to the medical care they need. The Biden-Harris administration must recommit to its promise to stand with transgender young people.”

For further information or to speak with an expert, contact Julia Cusick at [email protected].