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Acting Secretary of U.S. Labor Julie A. Su. | https://www.dol.gov/agencies/osec

Acting Secretary of Labor Su comments on June jobs report


WASHINGTON – The Acting Secretary of Labor, Julie Su, issued a statement regarding the June 2024 Employment Situation report.

"Today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the American economy added 206,000 jobs in June. The prime-age labor force participation rate hit a 22-year high, and the unemployment rate remains low at 4.1 percent. This strong jobs report demonstrates another month of steady, stable economic growth."

Su highlighted employment gains across various industries: "Employment gains were widespread across industries, with notable growth in health care, social assistance, construction and local government. Increased employment in these sectors is not only meaningful for workers and their families, but these jobs will improve the lives of all Americans as cities and towns hire more first responders, firefighters, librarians and other city workers."

She emphasized the administration's ongoing efforts: "The June jobs report continues to show that President Biden’s economic strategy is delivering for American workers. The Biden-Harris administration remains focused on bringing good jobs to every industry and every community, and we will build on this progress so that every American has access to a family-sustaining job with security and opportunity."