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Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH President | Facebook Website

AMA urges Congress to address Medicare physician payment issues


The letter focuses on four key pillars:

- Enacting an annual, permanent inflationary payment update in Medicare that is tied to the Medicare Economic Index (H.R. 2474);

- Budget neutrality reforms (H.R. 6371);

- An overhaul of the Merit-based Incentive Payment System; and

- Modifications to Alternative Payment Models (S. 3503/H.R. 5013).

“The current Medicare Physician Payment System is increasingly unsustainable and the necessary policy reforms can no longer be delayed without severe repercussions for patient access and quality of care,” the letter states. “The foundational component of strengthening the current payment system is refining the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule to accurately reflect the fiscal and clinical realities of medical practice today.”

This letter comes as Congress leaves for its summer recess while the AMA continues its sustained lobbying and grassroots campaign to ensure physicians receive Medicare reimbursement reflective of the costs of providing care rather than another round of damaging cuts.

The entire letter can be found here (PDF).