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Kari Lake visits the border in 2022 | Facebook

Senate Candidate Lake running for U.S. Senate to ‘Make Arizona Safe Again’


On September 18, The House Homeland Security Committee Majority published a report titled, "Crisis by Design: A Comprehensive Look at the Biden-Harris Administration’s Unprecedented Border Crisis." 

Americans have witnessed "national security, public safety, and humanitarian disaster" at the southern border, according to the report. 

10.2 million illegal aliens have entered the country in the last four years under the current administration. 

The report notes there are "roughly" two million gotaways, where Customs and Border Protection was unable to detain.

Due to current policies at the southern border, cartels and criminal groups now control who crosses the border from Mexico, according to the report. 

"It is now nearly impossible to cross without paying them," the report stated. Cartels focus on human smuggling, making a majority of their profit from migrants who pay the cartel to help them cross terrain and find the correct routes to cross the border.

Kari Lake, U.S Senate Candidate for Arizona, responded to this report, telling the Grand Canyon Times, “the Biden-Harris open border agenda has put Americans in danger, but they wouldn't have been able to get away with it without enablers like Radical Ruben Gallego in Congress. Joe, Kamala, and Ruben have put our state and communities at risk. I'm running for U.S. Senate to secure the border and Make Arizona Safe Again.”

AZ Family News reported crime is up in the Phoenix area. Juvenile violent crime rates are up 76%, including homicides and robberies, and fentanyl now accounts for 80% of drug-related cases.

In 2022, the Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich issued a legal opinion determining that the ongoing violence and lawlessness caused by cartels and gangs at the southern border qualifies as an "invasion" under the U.S. Constitution. The opinion cites the trafficking of drugs, like fentanyl, and human smuggling as contributing factors, with cartels engaging in violent cross-border attacks to protect their operations.

Kari Lake is a former news industry professional who is running for U.S. Senate. Her platform includes a 10 point plan to secure the border; cutting inflation and reducing the deficit; water for the west, education, homelessness and quality of life, and making America energy dominant, according to her campaign website