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General Amir Avivi | IDSF.com

Weekend Interview: IDSF Leader Amir Avivi on Israel’s War, Global Implications, and Pathways to Peace


In the middle of Israel’s conflict with Hamas and Hezbollah, General Amir Avivi, a prominent Israeli military leader, has been at the forefront of strategic discussions and military operations. As the head of the Israeli Defense & Security Forum (IDSF) and a former general for the Israeli Defense Forces, his insights reveal the motivations behind Israel’s determination to fight terror organizations, and the broader implications of the conflict for the Middle East and the world. 

The Spirit Behind Israel’s Fight

At the heart of Israel’s war lies a deep-seated determination to secure peace and stability for its citizens, according to General Avivi. He recalls a personal experience during Operation Defensive Shield in 2002, when Israeli soldiers struggled to find purpose in their mission. Realizing that many of his soldiers had never visited Jerusalem, Avivi took his battalion of 800 soldiers to the historic city, immersing them in its significance. “If you know what you are fighting for, you fight differently. It’s really about that,” he says. 

Avivi says this spirit drives all of Israel’s military forces today. According to Avivi, the current conflict is not just about military might; it’s about ensuring Israel’s survival and future as a peaceful nation in the region. The broader motivation, Avivi explains, is tied to Israel’s historic struggle for peace and security in a region that has been fraught with conflict for millennia.

For Israel, Hamas and Hezbollah are more than just regional threats—they represent a larger web of terror organizations backed by Iran that seek to destabilize Israel and the Western world. “This is not just about Israel,” Avivi emphasizes. "This is a fight that Israel is leading for the whole Western society. This will impact everybody. A win for Israel is a win for everybody.”

As a result, Avivi argues that Israelis are fighting with the knowledge that their country is not only safeguarding its own future but also defending broader democratic and Western interests. He says Israeli citizens, whether in the military or reserves, understand the need for a decisive victory in the face of terror. “We are fighting an existential war,” he says, adding that “the vast majority want a decisive win.”

Implications for Iran, the U.S., and the World

The conflict with Hamas and Hezbollah has far-reaching implications that extend beyond the immediate region. General Avivi identifies Iran as the mastermind behind these terror organizations, and says it has been enabled to work through proxies to destabilize the Middle East. 

The Iranian regime’s influence stretches across Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, and Iraq, creating what Avivi calls a “Shia axis.” Iran’s goal, Avivi explains, is to gain dominance over the region and eventually challenge the Western world. "There is a Chinese, Russian, and Iranian front that has emerged in the Middle East and beyond," Avivi warns, and adds that the alliance seeks to undermine global stability.

He also points to the risk that unchecked aggression from Iran may embolden other powers, particularly China and Russia, to pursue their expansionist ambitions. “If you don’t build an alliance that will stand strong and prevent the expansion of this front, there will be turmoil everywhere,” Avivi cautions. 

In his view, this could result in China taking aggressive action in Taiwan, or Russia continuing its expansion in Europe—scenarios known to Washington, and that could have devastating consequences for global trade, economic stability, and international security.

According to Avivi, the United States plays the biggest role in countering this threat. He argues that the U.S. must not only support Israel militarily, but also lead a broader coalition that can bring stability to the region. 

One crucial element of this strategy, Avivi argues, is advancing peace agreements, particularly with Saudi Arabia. He believes that Saudi Arabia, as the leader of the Sunni world, can act as a cornerstone for regional stability. “A peace deal with Saudi Arabia could open the door for normalization with Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and others,” Avivi explains. He believes such an alliance would be a powerful counterbalance to the Iranian-led Shia axis and could reshape the geopolitics of the Middle East.

However, Avivi stresses that peace cannot be achieved through diplomacy alone. He is critical of past U.S. policies that have relied too heavily on sanctions without the credible threat of military force. “If sanctions are not working correctly, and the West has zero willingness to use power… then [they] can do whatever [they] want,” Avivi says of Iran and its allies. 

He believes that without the threat of force, diplomacy will be ineffective, especially in deterring Iran’s nuclear ambitions. “Iran cannot become nuclear. It would change the whole globe,” Avivi stresses.

The Road to Peace: A Regional Vision

Despite the ongoing violence, Avivi envisions a pathway to peace for both Palestinians and the broader Middle East. He draws inspiration from the biblical notion of "40 years of quiet," a rare and cherished period of peace in Israel’s history. "I think the Israelis want to replicate this,” he says. 

But achieving peace, Avivi argues, requires dismantling the terror networks, especially those supported by Iran. “You cannot do that without really dismantling all this Shia axis led by Iran,” adding that this entails dismantling "in a way that will secure Israel and the region for generations."

Avivi points to the potential for significant geopolitical shifts in the aftermath of a decisive Israeli victory. One of the most hopeful scenarios, he says, is the possibility of Lebanon reclaiming its sovereignty from Hezbollah’s control. “Seize the moment, take back your country,” Avivi urges the Lebanese people, suggesting that once Hezbollah is defeated, Lebanon could join the growing number of Arab nations that have normalized relations with Israel. 

Avivi believes that Lebanon, which has been fractured by sectarian divisions and dominated by Hezbollah, could finally emerge as a peaceful and democratic state.

This vision for peace extends to Palestinians as well. Avivi is insistent that the defeat of Hamas is essential for creating a future where Palestinians can thrive in peace alongside Israel. He sees a scenario in which a new, moderate Palestinian leadership can emerge, free from the influence of terror organizations. 

With the support of regional powers like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and underpinned by security guarantees from Israel, Avivi argues that a new peace framework can be established. For this to happen, he says, Hamas and Hezbollah must first be eliminated. “Israelis are not willing to stop until we destroy the terror armies that surround us,” Avivi states.

A Balance Between Power and Restraint

Amidst the conflict, Avivi’s philosophy on the use of power is clear and will resonate with Reaganites in Washington: peace is only possible through strength. "We really cherish peace, but we also know that if you are not strong, you won’t have peace,” he says. 

But Avivi is suggesting even more. He points to lessons in history, noting that sanctions have not deterred aggressors like Iran. "There are moments in history when you have to show leadership and do the right thing, and sometimes the right thing is to fight,” he says.

Avivi emphasizes that the use of force must be strategic. He points to Israel’s recent operations against Hezbollah as an example of how military action can swiftly degrade a powerful adversary. “In two weeks, we took Hezbollah back 20 years,” he says, noting that targeted strikes can have a profound impact without the need for prolonged ground campaigns. 

He believes that a similar approach can be taken against Iran.  In a statement that will sound alarms in Washington, he goes further to say “an international coalition could dismantle Iran’s nuclear capabilities in just a few days.”

However, he is also mindful of the costs of war. Israel’s economy and daily life have been heavily impacted by the ongoing conflict, with many reservists leaving their businesses and families to fight. Yet, he remains optimistic about Israel’s future. He predicts that a decisive victory will bring security, which is paramount, but also economic prosperity. 

“For Israel, a great future is awaiting,” he says, envisioning a post-war period of growth and stability, both for Israel and its neighbors.


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