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Department of the Interior strengthens partnership between public, private organizations for Indian Country

The Department of the Interior has launched a series of initiatives aimed at strengthening partnerships with Native communities. These include an oral history project to create a permanent record of survivors from federal Indian boarding schools and an initiative with AmeriCorps for the Indian Youth Service Corps.

Montana ranch adopts virtual fencing in collaboration with PERC

The Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) has announced a partnership with Montana's McFarland White Ranch to launch a virtual fence project aimed at transforming ranching and wildlife conservation. The initiative will replace 16 miles of the ranch's internal barbed-wire fencing with a virtual network, enabling remote livestock management through signal towers and GPS collars.

Bureau of Land Management opens comment period for proposed June 2024 lease sale in Nevada

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is asking the public to comment on a proposed lease sale of 2320 acres in Nevada. The public consultation process, aimed at determining the best use for these federal lands, has opened with a 30-day window for responses.

SEC Commissioner Mark Uyeda’s comments raise confusion over potential rule change for natural asset companies

SEC Commissioner Mark T. Uyeda delivered a keynote address on Nov. 17 at the 26th annual Japan–U.S. Symposium, emphasizing the crucial role of regulators in maintaining the strength of the U.S. and Japanese capital markets.

O’Neal: ‘This proposal will allow quicker action by law enforcement agencies when necessary’

The Bureau of Land Management is proposing rule changes for restrictions on public land use or temporary closures and invites the public to comment. These proposed changes aim to modify current procedures for announcing temporary closures, making rules effective, and ensuring tribal uses of the land.

PERC launches innovative program compensating ranchers for providing elk habitat

The Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) has introduced a novel payment-for-presence program aimed at compensating ranchers for providing elk habitat in Montana's Paradise Valley. This initiative, which employs advanced AI-powered camera traps alongside landowners' expertise, marks the first of its kind in the region. Unlike traditional livestock compensation programs that focus on predator losses, PERC's payments are based on elk presence to address elk-livestock conflicts.

Top Arizona legislators join Utah legal battle against Biden's monument designations

Arizona Senate President Warren Petersen and Arizona House Speaker Ben Toma have filed an amicus brief in support of a lawsuit in Utah against President Biden. They filed it in the Tenth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals on Monday, Nov. 6.

SEC extends NYSE's Natural Asset Companies' listing rule deadline due to public input

A number of individuals and organizations publicly commented on the Security and Exchange Commission's (SEC) consideration of a proposed rule change by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) regarding listing standards for Natural Asset Companies (NACs). The SEC granted an extension for further consideration until Jan. 2, 2024.

 Ernst & Young recommends review for NACs before adoption by SEC

In an Oct. 25 letter to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Ernst & Young recommended that the NYSE and the SEC seek additional input from a diverse group of assurance providers before finalizing which information would require assurance, the level of assurance and, where applicable, the transition to reasonable assurance.

State of Utah requests a 90-day extension to the public comment of the proposed rule by the SEC to adopt new listing standards for natural asset companies

The State of Utah Department of Natural Resources provided public comment on Oct. 25 regarding the Proposed Rule by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to adopt listing standards for Natural Asset Companies (NACs). The State requests a 90-day extension to the public comment period to allow for a more in-depth review of the Proposed Rule.

Hageman introduces amendment to prevent passage of new listing standards for Natural Asset Companies

Congresswoman Harriet Hageman (R-WY) introduced an amendment to H.R. 4664, the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Bill. The amendment prohibits funds from being made available to the SEC to approve a rule change proposed by the New York Stock Exchange LLC to adopt listing standards for Natural Asset Companies (NACs).

Financial Fairness Alliance argues against new NYSE proposal

Justin Bis, the Director of Financial Fairness Alliance, has called on the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) to reject the New York Stock Exchange's (NYSE) recent proposal. In a letter addressed to Vanessa Countryman, the Secretary of the SEC, Bis argued that the proposal would have negative consequences for American life and public investing.

American Stewards of Liberty urges SEC to reject NYSE proposal

Margaret Byfield, Executive Director of American Stewards of Liberty, has called on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to reject the proposal of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to list Natural Asset Companies (NACs). In a letter addressed to the Secretary of the SEC, Vanessa Countryman, on October 25, Byfield argued against the endorsement of NACs on the NYSE.

New language to be added to NYSE manual that welcomes foreign countries to invest in US land

New language which welcomes foreign countries to invest in US land will be added to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) manual. According to the manual draft, the NYSE will allow foreign countries to establish a National Asset Company (NAC) in the US.

 SEC proposes rules to enable elite investors and governments to profit from protecting natural resources under climate crisis policies

On October 4, the SEC proposed a new investment vehicle called the "Natural Asset Company (NAC)," created by the Intrinsic Exchange Group (IEG) in partnership with the NYSE and supported by organizations like the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Wildlife Fund. The NAC is designed to allow elite investors and governments to profit from protecting natural resources linked to climate crisis policies, including the 30x30 agenda, net-zero, and decarbonization, but some argue that its objective is more about political and financial control of global natural resources, especially in the United States, prompting calls for immediate congressional oversight.

Kerry White warns of "top-down overreach by the USFWS" in proposed 5.8 million-acre Montana conservation area plan

In a recent interview, Kerry White of Citizens for Balanced Use urged landowners to be wary of a proposed plan to create a vast conservation area in Montana, which he claims would increase federal government control over the land and would prioritize wildlife over local residents' access to the land.

New national wildlife refuges established in two states

The U.S. Department of the Interior has announced the establishment of two new national wildlife refuges in Wyoming and Tennessee. This marks the second and third wildlife refuges created by Interior Secretary Deb Haaland and brings the total number of units in the National Wildlife Refuge System to 570.

NYSE proposes new listing standards for Natural Asset Companies

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) has proposed new listing standards for a category of public companies called "Natural Asset Companies" (NACs). These companies have a primary focus on managing, maintaining, restoring and enhancing the value of natural assets and ecosystem services and are also encouraged to engage in sustainable revenue-generating activities and activities that support community well-being, provided they are sustainable.